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"no, no i'm fine" she smiled warmly, "however," she started, "i would like to ask you a few questions"


it's been four days since jimin's mom has been stuck in bed, and jimin is exhausted. sure, jungkook was a big help when he took care of the elderly woman, but jimin has been worried sick about her. he often get's this feeling, like he's on edge or something.

"jimin, why don't you go out and treat yourself, i'll stay here with your mom" jungkook suggested.

"i can't do that kookie.. what if-what if she-"

"she won't," jungkook pulled jimin close and kissed his forehead, "not on my watch" jungkook sent jimin off and shut the door and closed the door behind him. he went into mrs. park's room and pulled up a chair and just sat.

"would you like anything, mrs. park? i could get you some water, maybe make you a sandwich?"

"no, no, i'm fine" she smiled warmly, "however," she started, "i would like to ask you a few questions"

"ask away"

"how is my minnie? is he doing well? i barely get to see him.."

jungkook thought back to his crush and smiled "he's wonderful. his cakes are absolutely beautiful, and the way he dances.. he takes my breath away. i've gotten to see his beauty within the 30 days that i've known him, everyday even more special than the last."

jimin's mom chuckled, "that boy always really had a thing for baking, he would always be a big help in the kitchen. as for his dancing, his father never really approved but, i got him lessons anyway because i could tell that he was so passionate about it. his smile was the most precious thing in the world to both of us, and i never thought that someone could love him just as much as we did, maybe even more"

jungkook looked confused, "what do you mean?"

jimin's mom laughed again, "i'm talking about you!" she smiled, "you clearly love him, when you talked about him your eyes sparkled, trust me i know the feeling" she took hold of jungkook's hand, "it's okay jungkook, i approve of you two"

"th-thank you, i really do love him" and would you speak of the devil, jimin unlocked the door and wiped the snow off of his shoes. he walked into his mom's room and smiled warmly at both of them, happy to see them get along so well.


"jungkook, do you wanna help me make dinner? i was thinking a light sandwich for my mom and beef stew for us" jungkook came up and surprised jimin with a back hug, making jimin turn his head and give jungkook a little peck.

"i'll take that as a yes" the two began to prepare both meals as they started grabbing ingredients from the kitchen. jimin grabbed a large pot from one of the cabinets and filled it up with water, while jungkook turned the stove on. they each began to prepare both meals, while jimin helped jungkook of course, and they actually turned out pretty well.

"i feel like we're married" jungkook laughed.

"yeah.. like we're married" jimin said. he looked really uncomfortable.

jungkook took notice of jimin's uneasiness and apologized, "sorry, i-i shouldn't have said that" he looked down with his cheeks as red as tomatoes.

after the two served jimin's mom her lunch, jimin and jungkook popped in a movie and cuddled on the couch.

"this is so relaxing, thank you again, my mom is such a lovely woman and i've just been worried you know?"

jungkook pulled jimin closer to his chest, "i would be too, you deserve a break every once in a while"

they both sat there in silence and tried to watch the movie, but there was a question on jungkook's mind, "jimin, can i ask you something?" jimin nodded, "what are we?"

jimin paused, he hadn't really thought about that, "well i mean, what do you want us to be?"

"i would like us to be boyfriends-"

"then it's settled, you're my boyfriend" jimin smiled and held jungkook's hand.
it was that easy? jungkook thought. well at least for now, jimin was happy.

well i'm soft. but don't get too happy, next chapter is gonna be a sad one :)

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