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"you like me?"

"i do"


mingyu sat jimin down on the couch while jungkook wrapped a towel around jimin.

"do you want anything to warm you up? i could heat up our dinner or-"

"it's fine, jungkook, i shouldn't have come on such short notice, i had nowhere to go"

"what about your house"

"taemin didn't have anywhere to go either, so i allowed him to stay in my house until all of his things are packed. i just felt bad, okay? and i couldn't stay with him"

jungkook sat down next to jimin and put his arm around him, "i had a bad feeling about him"

jimin looked at jungkook in disgust, "whoa, excuse me? dude that was my boyfriend, i loved him, and you're really talking about how you feel right now? how narcissistic are you?"

"jimin, you know i didn't mean-"

"no, you did.  i'm just gonna go to sleep, we can talk about it in the morning" and with that jimin laid down and shut his eyes. jungkook felt bad for what he said, but just let him be. jungkook told mingyu to give jimin a blanket and then go to sleep. jungkook made a dick move, huh


jungkook woke up and saw jimin passing through the hallway.

"morning, jimin" but alas, jimin didn't even spare him a glance, he just walked straight into the bathroom. because jungkook's efforts to talk to jimin failed, miserably, he just rubbed his head and started to make his way down the hallway, so that he could make waffles for the three of them. but just as he passed the bathroom he stopped. he heard...sobs? jungkook pressed his head up against the door, and he could hear jimin sniffling and crying harder. jungkook opened the door and found jimin sitting in a corner; without hesitating, he ran over and wrapped his arms around jimin's body. jimin's breath was shaky, and jungkook was trying his best to calm him down.

"w-was i not enough?"

jungkook hated to see jimin like this, "jimin, you're perfect. he didn't deserve you" jungkook was rubbing jimin's arm in a calm motion, hoping to soothe the older. god, jungkook just wanted to smother jimin with kisses, but because jimin was in a very vulnerable state he knew that it wouldn't be right. fortunately, for jungkook, he didn't need to make a move, jimin did it for him. jimin had pulled jungkook into a kiss full of lust and tears, he needed this. he wanted this. jungkook cupped jimin's face with one hand, and brought jimin's body closer with the other. both of the boys were declaring their love for one another with this kiss, hearts pounding, latching onto each other to feel safe, getting addicted to each other's taste, falling in love more and more. jimin was the one to break their beautiful kiss, his face was as red as a tomato. not just from the kiss, but from crying as well. both of them had their breath taken away, and were breathing really heavily.

"you like me?" jungkook asked

"i do" jimin smiled sheepishly.

"let's get out of this bathroom and have some real fun" jungkook smirked. he helped jimin get up and...well you can only imagine what happened next.

what is up my d00ds. did y'all enjoy? probably n o t because i just wanted them to get together so then i can write about all of their fluffy dates- also read my new jeongmo fic because there's gonna be some gay ass shit in there

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