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1 year later

"babe, we're gonna be late for the party!" jungkook said as he pulled his sleeves back so that he wouldn't have sweater paws, meanwhile, jimin, was in the bathroom putting on his earrings as kind of like a 'final touch' to his outfit. the couple was going to a christmas party with their friends in seoul.

"alright, kookie, how do i look?" jungkook stepped into the bathroom while putting in one small earring in his left ear. he smiled and wrapped his arms around jimin's chest, bending down so that he could rest his head on the smaller's shoulder.

"you look stunning" jungkook nuzzled his head into the crook of jimin's neck and kissed it lightly before walking him out.

"i'm excited for the party!" jimin's face lit up, "and hoseok and yoongi just recently became a couple! i'm so happy for them. same thing with taehyung and mina, they're expecting a baby soon, isn't that lovely kookie?" jungkook put one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the gear stick, and just smiled, "it's very lovely jiminie" with that, the two headed to the party.

hoseok and yoongi welcomed them both with warm hugs and smiles. hoseok and jimin chatted while yoongi took jungkook into the other room.

"now you're sure about this? once you do this there's no turning back. this is the big jump jungkook, are you willing to take the risk?"

jungkook got flashes of him and jimin together, happy and sad memories. them bursting with joy and them saying words they didn't mean during intense fights. all the good and the bad, jungkook knew he was ready.

"as long as jimin jumps with me, i'll be ready for anything"


now it was time for dinner and everyone had sat down to eat. out of respect yoongi decides that he would like to say grace as a way of giving thanks for the food and for the people around him. they all held hands as yoongi gave his speech. when the speech ended everyone was about to dig into their food when jungkook stood up and clinked he wine glass against his fork,

"i would like to say something as well," he turned to his lover, "this man sitting next to me, is the love of my life, the apple to my eye, the yin to my yang. 1 year ago i met him at this small little bakery and i now realize that the art project my teacher had assigned me was the best thing that could've ever happened to me. i still remember our first kiss on the rooftop, the stars were shining bright but he still managed to outshine them all. to say that his is beautiful is an understatement because he is beyond beautiful. jimin, you are the most selfless person i've ever met, and your beauty is ethereal. do you remember when i came in on 5-month-anniversary and you made me that starry night cupcake? that's when i knew 'he's the one'. every morning i wake up with you in my arms, and i don't ever want to let you go, you're my special flower. so, park jimin," he gently grabbed jimin's hand and got down on one knee, "will you make me the happiest, and luckiest man on the planet, and marry me?" jungkook awaited his response, when jimin's eyes glistened with tears.

"y-yes, of course i'll marry you" jimin said with a smile on his face as he nodded. jungkook slipped the ring on jimin's small finger and everyone applauded.

the night was filled with 'congratulations' and 'i'm so happy for you two' they were all excited for the couple. jungkook leaned against a wall next to hoseok and said, "i feel like i'm on top of the world" jungkook sighed with a victorious smile.

"you had better be good to him" hoseok said in a serious tone, "one slip up and bam! you're done, over. i'll make sure of it. we don't want you to be another taemin."

"it's alright hoseok, i love him more than there are stars in the sky, and i'm never gonna stop loving him. if anyone hurts him i'll make the person's pain 10 times worse."

"good, you guys have fun tonight" hoseok winked and then left to go find yoongi. jungkook knew exactly what he had meant.

jungkook had noticed how jimin was dancing with the other people, how memorizing, and hypnotizing, and...sexy he looked. jungkook walked over to jimin and grabbed him by the arm, "we're leaving, i've got something to show you when we get home" he said in a husky tone. jimin smirked, and grabbed his things. tonight they were going all the way

shitty update i know but i've just been really tired

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