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"your voice, i find it so...soothing"


jimin came to the bakery early, as he had taken up the offer of doing the morning shifts from now on. he grabbed his keys and opened up the bakery, for the day has just started. jimin quickly grabbed his apron and put it on. he started baking croissants, small cakes, and cookies while he waited for a costumer. while he went to go check on the food he was singing, so effortlessly, and so casually that he hadn't even heard anyone walk in.

"wow," someone said

jimin was startled and simply replied with a "what?"

"your voice i find it so...soothing"

jimin finally realized who had walked in on him "what are you doing here so early, jungkook? we don't serve coffee here y'know"

"i always prefer tea anyway, and i came for that photo you owe me" jungkook smiled as he took out his polaroid.

"maybe later, jungkook, i'm kind of busy" jimin noticed that some customers began to wait behind jungkook.

"where's that other guy...?"


"yeah him"

"he's not showing up 'till 1:30, i said i'd take the morning shift for a week cuz he's been talking with some guy...kim namjoon, i think was his name?"

"oh well...let me help you, i'm sure this job isn't that hard"

"oh sweet, innocent jungkook, i'm gonna make you eat your words"

jungkook smirked "we'll just have to see" his gaze was still on jimin,

"well what are you waiting for? get back here and put on an apron" jimin rushed jungkook into the back, while he attended to the customer that had been patiently waiting.

jungkook grabbed an apron and stared at the baked goods in the oven, "jimin! i think these are done!" jimin told the next customer to wait for a moment while he checked on the goodies. jimin grabbed his oven mittens and grabbed the cupcakes and cookies first.

"okay uhm, why don't you start putting the pastel pink colored frosting on the cupcakes, and i'll do the cookies once i check in with this customer, alright?" jimin left jungkook to figure out what he was supposed to do. jungkook grabbed the bag of frosting and slowly began to squeeze the bag. he attempted at swirling the frosting on top of the cupcake, but it ended up looking like a floppy mess. jungkook tried to fix it by wiping the frosting off of the cupcake and starting over but, for one he didn't even have gloves on, and it pretty much just made everything worse.

"so how's it- oh my god" jimin shook his head and grabbed jungkook's hand "tsk tsk, jungkook rule number one of working with baked goods: always wear gloves. and it looks like you took too long for the swirl, you have to be swift with this kind of stuff"

"sorry, jimin i didn't-"

"i know. i didn't know what to do my first time either, and it's not like i instantly learned how to do it. it took lots and lots of practice, heck, i popped the frosting bag a few days ago"

jimin grabbed some gloves and put them on jungkook's hands, "here," he put his hands on jungkook's as jungkook gripped the frosting, "i'll help you" jimin smiled.


jungkook threw his things onto his bed, and immediately went over to his desk. he began outlining a head.

"what's that, kook?" his roommate, mingyu, asked

"it's for a friend, i'm sure he'll like it" he said while sketching this persons eyes he drew the prettiest pair of eyes that he's ever drawn, made the lips so plump and glossy, the nose was so small and cute like a button, the cheeks looked as soft as a cloud, and his expression...his expression was as if he was crying.

"you rarely ever see an angel cry, huh?" said jungkook when he showed mingyu the finished product.

"woah, he's beautiful. who is that?"

"someone that i recently met"

"shit, you're so lucky"

"i know"

shitty update i know, but as i said before i'm sTreSSeD. just be happy that i updated for a least one of my books. this one is really fucking soft so iT's eAsY fOr mE. alright b y e

- emily

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