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"you feeling okay?"

"i've never felt better"


"we can't keep doing this!" jimin shouted, "i shouldn't have to play this game of 'what day is taemin coming home?' i should just know!" his cheeks began to turn a shade of red as tears were welling" up in his eyes.

"jimin, if you'll just-"

"no! i'm tired of being the one let behind! i'm tired of you not being home! i'm tired of not having a boyfriend!"

"jimin, i've been cheating on you!"

jimin's expression changed, "you-you-" jimin just let the tears fall, "get out"

taemin looked directly at jimin, "what?"

"i said get out! get out of my house!" jimin began to throw taemin's things, "get the fuck out!"


jungkook had been skipping his way his way to all of his classes with a stupid smile on his face. taehyung and yoongi looked at each other with a concerned look on their faces, they were both thinking the same thing.

"jungkook?" taehyung said, "you feeling okay?"

jungkook turned around and held taehyung by the shoulders, "i've never felt better"

yoongi dragged taehyung towards him an whispered, "something's obviously going on with that one" pointing directly at jungkook.

"and i'm gonna find out" taehyung said with a smirk (i heard him smirk W H E E Z E Eiizua) "what'd you do last night jungkook?"

jungkook's smiled got wider when he thought about last night, the way the cuddling felt so natural, the way jimin's small hands fit perfectly into jungkook's big ones, how soft jimin's hair felt, the sound of him breathing. it was all very corny, but jungkook felt love and now he couldn't shake that feeling. he giggled at the little moments he shared with the older.

"jimin stayed over my place, and he was so cute. we cuddled, we held hands, he felt so warm and soft, and his lips were just- he's so perfect" taehyung was smiling as he heard jungkook talk about his little crush.

"aww you guys are so cute, they grow up so fast" taehyung pretended to wipe a tear of joy.

"so are you guys official?" yoongi asked.

jungkook's smile slowly started to fade away, "well, no, not exactly but-"

"you can't keep doing this jungkook, i'm happy that you found love but, that still doesn't take away the fact that jimin already has somebody"

jungkook looked down at his feet, "i just thought," he sighed, "i don't know what i was thinking" 

"hey, it's fine. let's just go to class alright?"


"so, since you guys are halfway done with your assignment, i hope, i would like you guys to do a portrait of your person in their true beauty. what makes them beautiful to you? let's get started"

jungkook began to outline jimin's body trying to concentrate. suddenly a wave of pain went through his hand. at first, he thought it was just a cramp, but the pain hit again, this time it was stronger. he winced at how much it hurt, it felt like a thousand knives stabbing his hand all at once, and then someone lit a match right at the center of his hand and that flame began to grow.  his teacher gave him permission to take a break from drawing, but now he wants to know what to do about his hand.


it was raining by the time jungkook got back to his apartment and, as usual, mingyu was on the couch eating a bag of chips.

"what happened to you? you look fucking depressed"

"i don't want to talk about it"

"alright then.."

then, the two boys heard a knock at the door. jungkook set his coat down and answered the door. standing there was jimin, covered in rainwater. he looked drenched and on the verge of tears.

"j-jimin? what were you-"

"i just need to st-stay here for a few days"

"okay? jimin what happened?"

"taemin and i broke up"

i will explain why jimin came to jungkook's place in the next chapter so cALM YOUR TITTIES-

and it was a shitty updated but next one should be better? maybe? idfk

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