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"you're the baker and i'm the painter, that makes us both artists, wouldn't you agree?"

"i guess you're right" he said with a smile


"did you pick someone for your project, kook?" yoongi had picked hoseok, and another boy, who they'd become friends with, had pick someone named mina.

"why, yes, i have actually. his name is jimin, park jimin. i thought that he would be perfect for this project, taehyung"

"isn't that that baker boy? the one that dances?"

"that's the one, how do you know him, yoongi?"

yoongi took another sip of his coffee, "hoseok has been talking about him non-stop. saying he's his "number one student" and "a gift from heaven" that kid must be really talented"

jungkook smiled at the thought of jimin dancing, "he must dance very beautifully"

"how'd you get him to say yes?"

"i simply asked him if i could take pictures of him, it was so hard, taehyung"

taehyung was shocked at jungkook's response, he sipped his tea and asked "do i smell a hint of sarcasm?"

jungkook laughed, "no, it's probably just your ego" jungkook was about to take a victory sip of his coffee, when he earned a slap from his comment causing him to spill it all over himself.

"taehyung, you bastard," meanwhile taehyung was laughing his ass off. jungkook got up to go get some napkins. while he was there he saw someone's oddly familiar black hair. jungkook tapped the person's shoulder and saw just who he had suspected it to be, park jimin.

"oh, hi jungkook" jimin flashed him his precious eye smile.

"hi jimin, what brings you on campus this morning?"

"hoseok said he had prepared a special choreography for me, so i have to be at the studio by 11:00."

"will you show it to me once you've learned it? i'd love to see you dance"

"y'know what? you should come to our next showcase, it's next month on the 8th, think you can make it?"

"i'll check my schedule, but i'd love to go!" jungkook started playing with his hair and gave jimin a shy smile, "oh! by the way, do you mind if i take a picture of you right now? i have my camera on my table over there" jungkook pointed to the table with taehyung violently waving at the raven-haired man, and yoongi slightly nodding at him.

"oh sure! i don't mind at all"

jungkook walked jimin over to his table and quickly rummaged through his bag to find his baby blue polaroid camera.

"hold still..."


"now we just need to wait for that to develop, thanks jimin"

"no problem, jungkook" jimin winked at the younger, "how long do you have to keep taking pictures of me though?"

"40 days"


"it's for an art project," taehyung answered "didn't jungkook tell you?"

"i don't believe he did, i just said yes because i found it flattering that's all"

"oh my god you're so nice please date me" taehyung said in shock. jimin giggled at his statement "your laugh is so angelic oh my fucking god marry me" jimin laughed again. jungkook checked his phone and saw that it was already 10:30.

"jimin, you'd better get going, you have to meet hoseok in 30 minuets"

"oh my gosh, you're right! thank you so much for a lovely time but i really must be going, bye jungkook and his friends!" jimin rapidly waved goodbye as he ran to the dance studio.

"hey jungkook" said yoongi


"he's definitely a keeper"


"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and... again" that's three hours now, and jimin is still insisting on trying to "perfect" the choreography.

"jimin, don't you have work? it's been a long time...and you already have it down perfectly"

"okay, hoseok, one: my shift doesn't start until 1:30, it's only 1:00. two: i haven't quite perfected it yet" jimin began to work on the bridge, the part that he thought he did the worse on.

hoseok stopped the music, "jimin," he slowly walked over to jimin, "don't be so hard on yourself, get to work, you'll be late. i'll meet with you again tomorrow, alright?"

jimin sighed, "alright, see you tomorrow"

"bye jimin"


"hi welcome to-
jungkook?" jimin smiled at jungkook, "what are you doing here?"

"what time do you get off? i was thinking i should get to know you better, y'know, since i'm gonna be literally seeing you everyday now"

"i get off at 7, is that okay?"

"yeah that's okay, i can wait"

jungkook took a seat near a window and took out his sketchbook. for hours and hours he waited for the black-haired males shift to end. the entire time he had been drawing, and admiring the things he saw. there was one particular thing he was drawing that would be very special to both him and jimin.

"jungkook!" jimin said excitedly "i'm finally done"

jungkook closed his sketchbook, and waited for jimin to grab his coat. pretty soon the two were off.

"where to, jungkook?"

"there's a little restaurant just down the street, it's very..."


"yes, just like you"

jimin laughed so hard at jungkook's compliment, "stop being so cheesy!"

"sorry, jiminie"

"what did you just call me?"

jungkook stayed silent for a moment, "s-sorry jimin, i didn't mean to-"

"it's cute, i like it"

"o-oh, good"


"what's that jungkook?" jimin had noticed a little thing, that had seemed like a notebook, poking out of jungkook's bag.

"uh- i- it's nothing really..." jimin gave him a confused look,

"what do you mean 'it's nothing?' it must be something," jimin thought for a moment, "is that your sketchbook?! let me see, let me see!" jimin got up from his seat and grabbed jungkook's bag

"no jimin, please-"

jimin kept flipping the pages, until he found jungkook's latest drawing.

"jungkook...is this me?"

"i- well- uh-"

"it's beautiful"

"it is?"

"yes! although..."

"what is it?"

"my eyes aren't that small"

jungkook chuckled, "well than why don't you try drawing? huh, jimin?"

"oh i could never, i may be good on cakes and such, but i can't on paper"

"c'mon we're both artists"

"how so?"

"you're the baker and i'm the painter, that makes us both artists, wouldn't you agree?"

"i guess you're right" he said with a smile

lil announcement, i will not be able to update as frequently because my grades are shit
m'kay bye

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