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"it was just a kiss, he doesn't like me in that way"

"i'm sure he likes you, i can feel it"


jimin washed the same cookie rack over and over, not being able to shake the kiss. he doesn't know what it is about jungkook, whenever jimin's with jungkook he gets this feeling. he feels, free.

"jimin you've been washing the same dish for 15 minutes now, what's gotten into you? you've been distracted all day."

"sorry, jin, something happened last night and it's just, i don't know" jimin huffed out. jin walked over, turned the water off, and patted jimin on the back,

"let me guess, you and that guy kissed am i right?"

jimin looked up at him in shock, "h-how did you know?"

"i know everything jimin, just accept it, and i also know that you love this guy"

"jin, love's a strong word-"

"up, bup, bup, i see the way you look at him, you guys always talk whenever you have a break, hell, you even let him walk you to practice one time. i know you have a boyfriend but, i wouldn't recommend letting this one slip away. he cares about you jimin, his eyes don't lie." jimin smiled at the new memories he was making with jungkook, and how his eyes would give him a loving stare every time they saw each other. and how he sparked something in jimin.


jungkook didn't exactly speak when getting tea with his friends, he had been thinking about jimin all day, seems like the two have similar minds. \

"hello? earth to jungkook? jimin's here" taehyung said trying to bring his friend back,

"w-what?! where!" yoongi and taehyung looked at each other and just laughed, "god, you're so whipped," yoongi said whilst taking a sip of his tea,

"that's not funny guys!"

"sheesh don't get your balls twisted in a bunch, we were just having some fun" taehyung snapped. but then his train of thought came back, "speaking of fun, what exactly did you and jimin do last night? your lucky his boyfriend was sleeping" taehyung said as if it wasn't that big of a deal. meanwhile, jungkook, looked like he was about to have a panic attack.

"we didn't do anything, shut up"

"is that true, jungkook? i mean, i'm usually not one to get up in people's business, but now i'm interested" yoongi said, leaning a little closer

"we may have- we may have kissed but that doesn't-"

taehyung dramatically gasped, "you kissed jimin!? and you didn't tell me!? i'm so hurt!" as much as jungkook wanted to laugh, he knew that the kiss was wrong.

"tae, it was just a kiss. besides, he's dating taemin, he doesn't like me in that way, trust me." 

yoongi frowned, "jungkook, i'm sure he likes you, there's something going on in his 'relationship'. trust me, i can feel it" 

jungkook thought for a little bit, trying to remember taemin's body language, the way jimin interacted with taemin vs. with him. maybe there's something more than meets the eye.

"well, his boyfriend clearly doesn't like me. he even told jimin to stay away from me, obviously jimin and i are gonna keep hanging out whether his boyfriend likes it or not, but don't you think that a little, y'know, possessive?" 

taehyung spit out his drink, "what?" jungkook gave him some napkins to clean himself up, "dude, that's fucking insane, you guys are just friends, well, for now," taehyung winked.

"i have to go, see you guys later"

"probably going to see his crush" taehyung snickered


jimin still had jungkook pictured in his mind while walking over to the dance studio. he walked in and set his things down, so that he could begin to warm up.

"jimin," hoseok called out, "someone left these for you" he handed him a boquet of white roses, along with a little note,

'meet me at the huge fountian in the middle of campus at 6:15, i'll be waiting


jimin held the note tight, it was like having a childhood crush all over again, except jimin didn't know what to do with taemin.

dialogue, dialogue, dialogue, and more dialogue soRRy. hEy @Eiizuza yOu sHoULd wriTe a ChaPtEr fOr mE. don't write the next one though, i have plans for that one. get ready nuggets

- emily

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