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soon, he opened up and attacked him with a hug

"thank you" he said softly


jungkook held on to his bag tight as he left class for the day. despite being quite the popular boy in class, his only friends were really yoongi and taehyung, but alas, they had made plans with hoseok and mina. maybe i'll go surprise jimin? he thought to himself. jungkook walked into the bakery, and looked around for jimin, surprisingly, the older wasn't there.

"hey, jin?"

"oh, hey lover boy, what's going on?"

"one. don't ever call me that again. two. where's jimin?"

jin gave jungkook a puzzled look, "didn't he tell you?"


"jimin went back to busan."

"what? why?"

"his mom's sick. things have been pretty hectic around here without him."

without saying another word, jungkook ran out and sprinted to the nearest train station. he texted jimin to let him know that he was coming to see him. he waited at the station out of breath until the train finally came. busan here he comes.


"eat up mom" jimin said as he served his mom some soup. his mom looked so fragile in the bed, her breath was shaky, considering her age, but she still managed to put on a smile for her son. she had fallen ill with tuberculosis just a few days ago. and though she was suffering, she wanted to make sure that jimin didn't see that side of her. jimin looked at his mom and could feel the tears swelling up in his eyes as his mom put her hand on his cheek. he held it close, his arm leaning over the bed and holding on to her other hand.

"do you remember when you were little, and i used to do this to you every night before you fell asleep?" she said in a cracky voice.

jimin chuckled, causing a tear to fall out, "of course i do" he couldn't bare to see his mother in such a horrible state. he smiled as he sniffled.

"why are you crying?"

"i just love you so much, mom. i'm just not ready to let go of you so quickly" he said as his voice was breaking with every word. he frowned and sniffled again.

"jimin, don't cry," his mom wiped his tears, "it's just my time that's all" she said with a soft smile. "i'll finally get to see your father again. i'm sure he's been waiting long enough."


jimin checked his phone, and saw that jungkook had texted him. 'i heard about your mom, and i just wanted to let you know that i'm on my way' jimin quickly texted jungkook the address, and shut his phone off.

"who was that, minnie?"

"my friend, he said he wants to help take care of you"

"what a sweetie" her smile got brighter.


jungkook knocked on the door, and looked around patiently. soon, jimin opened up the door and attacked jungkook with a hug.

"thank you" jimin said softly.

jungkook hugged back and put his hand on jimin's head, stroking jimin ever so gently.

the two walked into jimin's mom's room and saw her sleeping. jimin took the bowl of soup and walked into the kitchen.

"you have no idea how happy i am to see you, again, thank you for coming"

"it's really no problem jimin, i care about your wellbeing. i want to help you and your mom"

jimin smiled at jungkook's nice gesture, "do you have a place to stay? i mean, you could always sleep in my room while i sleep on the couch"

"i could never do that, why don't you and i share to bed?" jimin's cheeks turned red,

"i-i guess we could-"

beep beep

"oh! 12:30, time to prepare my mom's lunch"

after jimin had finished making the lunch he went in his mom's room with jungkook and placed the meal on the nightstand. he bent down beside the bed and shook her gently,

"mom," he whispered, "mom, it's time to eat"

her eyes fluttered and she faced her son.

"here, let me help you get up," jimin lifted her so that she was sitting up and he added more pillows as he laid her back down. he grabbed the plate and put it on his mom's lap.

"oh, and who's the handsome young man?"

"this is the guy i was telling you about earlier, this is jungkook" jungkook waved at the delicate woman,

"nice to meet you, mrs. park" jungkook flashed his little bunny smile at her.

"ooh what a lovely boy, minnie." she laughed, but the laughing led her to coughing. she coughed and coughed, and jimin got the paper towel ready, as he held it to her mouth. just as he had suspected, blood.

oof, sorry for being m.i.a for quite some time. please don't hate me for making jimin's mom and jimin suffer this much. i just needed some sad shit in here m'kaY

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