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he just sat in his car, alone and afraid


"jungkook?" tae said waving his hand in front of jungkook's face, "junnnngggkooook" the older sighed, "jungkook!" finally jungkook had snapped out of his 'trance'. "i've been calling your name for like, 5 minuets! what's going on with you today?"

jungkook thought back to yesterday, and how beautiful jimin was, caressing his face when they were kissing, and how warm his body felt when they cuddled together.

"answer the god damn question!"

"well, jimin was wonderful" he smiled and taehyung choked on his biscuit, "jungkook! what did you two do?" taehyung sat there and thought there for a while, until...ding! a light bulb in his head went off and he fell over in his chair. people stared at him, but he honestly didn't care at this point. the fall startled jungkook though, "you okay? tae?"

"did-did you guys.." he proceeded to make a fist and punched the air, which meant he was asking jungkook if the two had sex.

"what?! no! we...we almost did, but i didn't want to rush into anything." jungkook rubbed his hand on his neck and looked to the ground shyly.

"awww is jungkook getting shy?"

"shut up" jungkook rolled his eyes. he checked his watch and saw it was 11:43 am.

"oh shit, i'm gonna be late"


"i've been getting a lot of intense cramps in my hand lately, so i made a doctors appointment" jungkook grabbed his bag and said he goodbyes to taehyung.

"don't die"

"oh, bite me tae"


jungkook waited patiently to have his name be called, so he went on instagram and just scrolled through his feed, seeing how much fun his friends were having.

jungkook waited patiently to have his name be called, so he went on instagram and just scrolled through his feed, seeing how much fun his friends were having

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jiminiecricket95: wow love you too @yugyeom_977777

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1 minuet ago

"who's that?"

"jeon jungkook?"

jungkook looked up from his phone, and walked over to the nurse. he did the usual check ritual before waiting in his doctor's room. he just sat there and played with his hands before his doctor came in.

"hi jungkook, how's it going?" the doctor said while sitting over at his laptop.

"i've been doing okay i guess-"

"oh, good, good. is there any reason why you came to me today?"

"it's my hand. i'm an artist, you see, and i've just been getting these really intense cramps, like joint pain, and that usually causes it to stiff up."

the doctor took jungkook's hand and started pressing on different spots with his thumb.

"have you experienced any other pain with this hand?"

"not really, i just wanted to come in and check up on it"

"that was smart" the doctor said with a laugh, "it sound like you have rheumatoid arthritis, but i wouldn't be too sure. take a break from drawing this weekend, okay? come back if you experience this pain again"

jungkook got up, "alright, thanks doc." the doctor got up as well and held the door open for jungkook, "no problem, i'll see you soon"

jungkook hadn't been this scared in a long time. what does this mean for his career? will he ever draw again? he just sat in his car, alone and afraid. poor, jungkook.

told y'all i didn't forget about this ;)

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