Ch. 2: A Pure Heart

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Darkness is all that filled the area around (Y/n). (She/he) looked around for any form of light, but it wasn't there. (She/he) couldn't even see (her/his) hands. There was no noise either, dead silence. The thumping of (her/his) heart became louder as (she/he) panicked.

A natural instinct kicked in; run.

Why run though? (Y/n) figured they would have to hit something sometime. The ground under (her/his) feet was definitely solid, almost like concrete. So (she/he) ran, one foot after the other. The sound of their bare feet slapped off the ground, it broke up the unsettling silence making (her/him) concentrate.

(Y/n) began to reason with themselves to help keep calm.

"My name is (Y/First and last name). I'm (Y/Age) years old. I live in Los Angeles, California. I'm a graphic designer with my own personal company. I have one sister. My parents are together-"

(She/he) stopped running when the ground turned from its solid form, to a soft soil/sandy feel. The sound of (her/his) feet disappeared, and only their heavy breathing remained. This was going somewhere, (she/he) didn't know where but it was different.

Then, a spec of light appeared in front of (Y/n). (She/he) squinted (her/his) eyes to make sure their mind wasn't playing any tricks. It was real, and in front of (her/him).

Off (she/he) went, running again, but this time with a goal. The stagnant air turned into a soft cool breeze as (she/he) approached the dot. It seemed to be a light, a lantern, hung on a wooden pole.

(Y/n) closed in on it, slowing (her/his) walk. There was a goal, and (she/he) reached it. (She/he) reached for the handle of the light. The lantern looked like one someone would take on a standard camping trip, but lit with a flame, not a battery powered light.

(She/he) lowered it to the ground to see what they were standing in. There appeared to be sand under (her/his) feet and between their toes. Debris of dead plants scattered around along with ripples from wind.

With a light, (she/he) felt better about walking, so they did. The wind picked up a little, but not enough to worry them.

(Y/n) walked, but began to hear whispers. (She/he) shook (her/his) head trying to dismiss it as their mind messing with them, but they grew louder.

turn around

go away
we see you

they want you

Stay with us

ha ha ha ha/

run run run run run

why did you leave him?

The whispers grew louder and louder, over lapping one another till they were unrecognizable.

(She/he) stopped suddenly and turned in all directions. The voices sounded like they were right next to her, but nothing was there.

"STOP!" (Y/n) yelled at the top of (her/his) lungs.

The voices stopped and the wind as well. Everything went back to silence. (She/he) breathed deeply to catch their breath, waiting for something to talk back.


"Thank god.." (She/he) spoke relieved.

(Y/n) turned to walk only to see an unwanted familiar face..


His skin ash grey, iris; deep red, and a grey suit to top it all off. Not anything too different from his normal attire.

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