Ch. 16: Clashing Realities

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"Okay, real slow now." Sean cooed to (Y/n).

She positioned her leg in front of him so he could unwrap it. The cloth had very little blood on it in comparison to previous times. The swelling had also gone down.

"Just tell me if I hurt ye, alright?"

"You're alright." She smirked. "You've always been really gentle."

"Does it hurt, like, in general?"

"Right now it's just sore."

Bit by bit he cleaned the wound with a damp cloth. "Let's get ye movin' a bit today. It'll help ye feel better."

There was a moment of silence between the two as he continued. He finished after a few minutes and rewrapped her with fresh gauze.

"Sean," She breathed. "I'm scared."

He stopped what he was doing and looked up at her with deep concern. "I know lass, me too, but, right now we're okay, right?"

"Dark could find us at any second, Anti's-"

He covered her mouth. "Neither Mark or Dark know where this place is at. We're HOURS away from either of them. So like I said, right now, we're okay."

She moved his hand away from her and continued. "We have nothing."

"We have a lot more than ye think. Ye just have to look."

"Like what? Because I'm so close to giving up."

Sean gathered the medical supplies, and stood up. "Well, we've got Anti, and Anti's got us. You've got me, and I've got you. We all have each other right now, and that's a hell of a lot more than what Dark has."

He had a strong point. They were only strong united, and she was failing to see that. Sean soon noticed she felt awful with her way of thinking and decided to change the subject.

"How's yer hand? Can I look at it?"

(Y/n) extended her palm towards him. The slash on her hand was healing quite well, and did't look swollen.

"It doesn't really hurt anymore."

"That's good. Soon yer leg will be fine too, and you'll be out making doodles in no time." He smiled.

She smiled back at him, but with a question forming in her mind. "So Anti, the internet rumor, is real."

"Uh, yes? Either that or we're on the acid trip of our lives." Sean walked began to pack away the medical supplies. "That's an odd statement to make.."

"Well he's real, is what I'm getting at. Dark is real to. So does that mean that there are others?"

"Other demons? I mean, yeah.." He sounded unsure.

"Don't you have other contact, or doesn't Anti have other contact with them?"

Sean sighed. "Anti told me once that demons don't like communication, unless it's necessary. Especially when they're on their "mission", like, I'm Anti's mission right now."

"What's the goal?"

"I don't know, but what I do know is Dark and Anti have a past."

"Well, besides that, does that mean that, like, other Youtubers have a demon?"

"Oh, I'm sure of it. Ye can tell sometimes at PAX and stuff when ye see them. It's all in the eyes."

"So would other Youtubers include, Felix?"

He sat silent for several moments. "Pewds? Pewdiepie? Are ye serious right now?"

"Listen, it sounds nuts but do does the idea that you and Mark are possessed by demons." She stood up and moved herself towards the window. "All I'm saying is, if the internet was right about you and Mark, who's to say they're wrong about Felix?"

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