Ch. 21: You Can't Trust A Demon

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(A/N: To help readers better understand my word choice, sentences with "**" after them mean there is a list of definitions at the end of the chapter that better explain the meaning of certain words. Hope this is helpful)


"Let's review, shall we?" Die smoothed his hands across a piece of paper on his kitchen table. "We'll send (Y/n) into the city around one or two in the morning."

"I'll pretend to be crying and upset about something to attract his attention." (Y/n) continued.

"And as soon as he finds you?"

"Claim that Anti's trying to take my soul all to himself. Tell him I want a second chance."

"Which I know he'll give to you. He agreed before, but also he'll have you right there. Be convincing, but not too convincing."

"What, do you want me to like, kiss him or something?" She folded her arms, leaning back in her chair.

"NO!" He yelled, almost terrified. "Don't— just anything but that. That's HOW you give your soul to a demon, the easy way anyway.."

"Huh, the more you know, but just be convincing, right?"

"Right," Anti jumped in. "And while yer convincing him, Die and I will tie him up."

Die folded his fingers on the table. "The chains we'll be using were blessed with holy water, as well as the jar you'll be using to catch Dark's spirit." He tossed a tiny bible out onto the table. "I want you to read from this. Just reading it will be fine, but once you start don't stop if you do, it'll break the prayer bond and you'll have to start over."

She grabbed the book and held it tightly in her grip. "What about Mark? Is he going to be okay?"

Die hesitated, not fully knowing what would happen to him. Her worried expression forced a reassuring answer. "He's going to be banged up. I'll take him to a hospital when it's all said and done. You just focus on getting Dark in that jar."

She stared down at the glass. It had a metallic lid and looked like it was used for honey or jam. It seemed like it didn't matter what the container was, as long as it was blessed with holy water. Her thoughts lingered for a moment before a hand rested on her shoulder.

"Can ye handle it, kid?" Anti smiled at her. "Or are ye too scared?"

(Y/n) raised a brow, more joking around it seemed. It was still out of character for him, but going along with it was better than questioning it.

"Terrified actually, but it's either this or I run for the rest of my life." She stood up and pushed her chair in. "I'll put these things in my bag so I don't forget."

With that, she left the room leaving Die and Anti by themselves. There was tension, an anxious tension. Die decided to break the silence.

"If she were to kiss Dark, or do anything with him in the matter, he wouldn't get anything at all, you know this, right?"

"Oh yeah, and why is that?" Anti took a seat in (Y/n)'s empty chair, throwing his legs up onto the table.

"Well, as I've read. If a Pure Heart is indeed in love, and with a demon more specifically, their soul won't be able to transfer to anyone but THAT demon. If a Pure Heart ISN'T in love with a demon, well, it's fair game for any and all demons." Die finished and watched Anti's face for any reactions.

He stared down at the table, then looked up at him. "And how are ye so sure she's in love with a demon?"

"Her body wouldn't have healed." There was a pause. "And that works both ways, Mr. Septiceye."

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