Where Charity Prevails, Pt. 2

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    It was Career Day at the Daigo Children's Mental Care facility and the Minstry of Welfare's Public Safety Bureau was on full display, much to the delight of 12 fortunate youngsters.  A forty-minute show and tell brought the world of the MWPSB to life through interior holography of the Criminal Investigation Department. 

    Sharing center stage with Inspector Tsunemori and her Enforcers, detailed holograms of the Dominators, paddy wagon, security drones, and the wildly popular antics of a single pillbot stole the show.  But it was Director Ito's announcement of the main event—an official MWPSB manhunt—that brought a chorus of excitement that shook the windows of the dayroom.

    The manhunt was restricted to the main patient-care level of the facility.  On the run, Kogami and Kagari used what little of a head start they had to put as much space as they could between themselves and the half dozen, pint-sized Enforcers that pursued after them.  Urged on by Akane and her team of prepubescent Inspectors, the children struggled to contain themselves and keep quiet on the hunt. 

    "These guys don't quit."  Kogami raced down a set of stairs and into the atrium.  The sounds of pursuit were just around the corner behind him on the landing. 

    "We're so outnumbered.  Hardly seems fair."  Kagari deftly slid down the railing on his backside and jumped down, clearing the final five steps.

    "For them or us?"

    The sky above the atrium had produced an overcast day, filled with heavy clouds and the threat of rain.  In the atrium's dimness, Kogami could see a dim blue light coming from the corridor above them.  He signaled Kagari to be silent and pointed to the dull illumination. 

    "Gin and his model Dominator," Kagari whispered.  "That kid has a keen sense of direction."

    "He lives here.  He should know the layout of the place better than two Enforcers who just walked through the door."

    "I heard him telling Akane how to organize the manhunt.  Can't wait to tell Ginoza he has a twin."

    "Who happens to be a latent criminal.  That'll go well.  Better make sure he doesn't have a Dominator in his hand."     

    "I know, right!"  Kagari dared to look out from a set of glass doors into a narrow corridor.  "Never imagined this could be so much fun.  Thanks for coming, Ko."

    "Beats sitting around watching Ginoza scowling all day."  Kogami pulled him back and pointed to a shadow coming around the corner of the lowest staircase landing.  It's was Mi-Yeon, who had jumped the gun, exposing the pursuers before Sachi could pull her back.

    "What's the deal with your tag-a-long?  The little girl in the cat pajamas?"

    "An orphan, according to Torao," Kogami said.  "Her parents immigrated here from North Korea for a chance at a better life."

    Kagari propped himself against the wall, his face grave.  "How did she end up here?"

    "Parents were killed in a traffic accident, two weeks after they arrived.  She saw the whole thing.  Stopped communicating."

    "Talk about clouding your psycho pass."

    "Shepherd 1, this is Hound 2," Gin said.  "We have them boxed in."

    Akane fought to keep a straight face and her composure, knowing the comlink was open to her Enforcers.  "Hound 2, if you can safely take them into custody, proceed." 

    "That's our cue to surrender," Kogami said.  He leaned out of the door to watch the pursuers close in on them.

    "Shepherd 1, this is Hound 3.  My flight drone has them in the atrium, headed back toward the dayroom."  Sachi laughed.  "Did Mr. Kogami really think that switchback would fool me?"

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