Scales of Justice, Pt. 2

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Rhythmically, Inspector Roninn swayed to the harsh, brassy noise of a huntsman's horn. Smiling with a sardonic pleasure at the severe cacophony of notes, he permitted the music to play from his wristcom and echo for drift down into the confines of the underground service tunnels beneath the Toshiba HVAC Building. "O the yelping of the hounds, the skelping. Along the cover and out at the back! Now they've lost him and now they're finding him, now he's winding 'em round by the stack!"

Flipping the long hair from his forehead to the back his head, Roninn took a deep breath and exhaled. "Oh, I do enjoy an old hunting ditty. Hunting the Hare is a personal favorite." He curtly snapped his fingers and pointed to the space at the bottom of the wagon ramp in front of him. "Gather round. Come, come, quickly now. You should be rested and refreshed."

Kogami aggressively shoved his hands into his pockets. Digging his finger nails into his palms, he struggled to contain his rage.  The Inspector's flagrant arrogance stifled him, and the Enforcer found it difficult to breathe.  He stopped in the center of the ramp. Kumi and Yemen held hands as they went to stand to his left, while Barabbas went right.

Roninn activated his wristcom to bring up a digital blueprint of the subterranean complex. He transmitted the data to all of them. "Our quarry has gone to ground here," he said, highlighting a section of the map. "And he has been lying low in this condemned section of the city to avoid detection."

"Not too difficult a feat in an abolitionist block," Kumi said.

"No scanners, no functional security measures," her brother added. "Meaning no drones."

"Which is why I've arranged for drones to be stationed at every possible entry or exit from this facility. While they cannot come in, our prey cannot get out. He's trapped."

"Who's the target?" Kogami asked.

"Okihiro Shinoda, multiple murderer. Killed a family of four in their sleep. The father, the mother, and two children, aged 10 and 4."

"How'd he manage that?" Yemen asked with a frown.

"He deactivated the safety protocols on their home heating system, allowing a dangerous build up of carbon monoxide in the residence. They suffocated in their sleep."

"Killing kids?" Barabbas asked. "Why'd he do it?"

"Revenge for not getting a promotion." Roninn bowed his tall frame, putting an arm behind his back. "Kumi?"

"Sir?" She stepped the rest of the way down the ramp to him.

The Inspector took her hand and kissed it, dragging his lips across her fragrant skin.

Kogami saw the shudder of revulsion go through her as she slowly withdrew her arm.

Roninn grinned impishly, showing two even rows of remarkably white teeth. "My delicate beauty, I need that lovely nose of yours to find this hare. You and your brother will go into the complex through the auxiliary maintenance corridors and flush him out. If you run across him, do not engage. Run him back along the main access tunnel."

"Right!" the twins said in unison.

"This has been a week of intense investigation."  Roninn massaged his brow irritably.  "It ends here before the dawn."

Waving in the utility drone, Roninn stepped back as the lid slid open to reveal the Dominators inside of it. Each twin retrieved a weapon and then, taking opposite sides, they moved down into the corridor with the stealth of hunting cats in synchronous step.

"And us?" Kogami asked. "What are we waiting for?" He went over to the drone to retrieve his Dominator.

"Barabbas and you are my heavyweights, Mr. Kogami. No need wearing you out in the chase, when I need you for the most important part."

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