Unbridled Civility, Pt. 1

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"I cannot believe what you say, because I see what you do."  —James Baldwin

    "Kogami, you don't really have a choice in the matter!" Akane said.  Face flushed with frustration, she trotted alongside the irritated Enforcer to keep pace with his long, angry strides.  "Chief Kasei made it an order."

    "Did you bring a Dominator, Inspector?" he asked.  "Because you're going to need one.  I'm not doing it."

    "It's just an interview."

    "On camera, right?  Not happening."


    Akane's protest was lost in a crowd of people and activity on the bustling grounds of the Gotemba Equestrian Center.  With some difficulty, Kogami and she pressed through the throng of spectators along a narrow boulevard that was surrounded by small shops and boutiques.  The haut couture vendors were clustered on the far side of the showgrounds near the parking area, which was jam-packed with horse trailers, shipping vans, and trucks.

    Dressed in white riding breeches and polished tall boots, Kogami made fists of his hands to loosen the stiff white leather of his gloves.  Unstrapping the velcro enclosures on his wrists, he pulled them off and absently slapped them against his thigh.  A black shadbelly coat and a yellow vest completed his riding attire, including a black riding helmet emblazoned with the Japanese flag.

    "Are you trying to end up back in an isolation cell?" Akane asked.  "Because that's what Chief Kasei will do if you defy her."

    "Maybe."  He snorted playfully.  "But with powerful friends like Kurosawa, I don't think that's going to happen any time soon.  Especially if I win today."

    Akane glanced at her wristcom.  "Aren't you supposed to ride your first test in 20 minutes?"

    "Yeah, but Mi-Yeon's here to ride in the kids' division, and I promised I'd watch."

    Akane's eyes widened in genuine surprise.  "Really!  Why didn't you say something, Mr. Kogami?"

    He shrugged.  "Didn't seem important to mention at the time."

    She cuffed his shoulder, even as he pretended to retreat from her.  "You really can be such a jerk!  When did she get into riding horses?"

    "It was my mother's idea.  After the earthquake and everything else that happened, she wanted to make sure Mi-Yeon was getting the most effective therapy possible."

    "Hippotherapy?  She's riding horses to control her stress levels like you did.  A brilliant idea!"

    "I thought so, too." Taking a deep breath, he exhaled slowly, his usual coltish demeanor diminishing as he read a communication on his wristcom. 

    "What's wrong?"

    "My mother messaged me a few minutes ago.  The therapy center's van hasn't arrived yet, and she can't reach the facility trainer."  With a frown, he shot her an apprehensive look.   "No van.  No Trainer.  No pony."

    "Oh no, why the delay?"

    "I don't know.  My mother wouldn't say.  She just wanted me to find her." 

    Kogami paused in mid stride, scanning the small village that had cropped up on the edge of the parking lot.  Large, canvas tents of every color dotted the horizon between the temporary stables and pasture.  The names of major stables were embroidered on hanging banners, displayed alongside their corporate sponsors and logos.  Personalized tack boxes were neatly positioned amid folding chairs and other furniture, which sat on carpeted floors that covered up the pasture grass.

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