Only When It Rains, Pt. 1

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'Cause you're running through my dreams

It's like you're on repeat

Feels like eternity, and I can't believe

—from "Alone" by I, Prevail

    The morning unveiled itself with a crisp, fall chill to the air. Despite the cool temperatures, a few undaunted shoppers braved the outdoor food court to take in the magnificence of a late autumn sun. Shinya Kogami cared little for the natural beauty of the morning sky.  He was on guard.  Through narrowed eyes, suspicious eyes, he scanned the outer ring of the courtyard for any signs of potential trouble. 

    Leaning across the rounded edge of the cafe table, the reticent Enforcer reached for his caramel latte.  The coffee tasted delightful, so sweet on his tongue.  It was a guilty pleasure and a deserving reward for his babysitting services.  He warmed his hands on the cup and continued his observations of the area.

    Across from him, two tables over, Inspector Akane Tsunemori was enjoying a breakfast of strawberry crepes with her friends, Yuki Funahara and Kaori Minase.  The trio laughed loudly, hushing each other for drawing undue attention to themselves, and then gossiped in whispers.  Dressed in colorful scarves and wool coats, the women were surrounded by shopping bags and stacked parcels.  Having carried most of their bounty, Kogami now understood the dangers of attending three young women who were on a mission in the mall. 

    "So Akane, how are those ballroom dancing lessons going?" Yuki asked.  She reached behind her head to tighten her ponytail.  "Have you tried waltzing in a full-length gown yet?"

    "I can barely manage it in a mini skirt," Akane replied, laughing at her awkwardness.

    Kaori took a bite of her crepe.  "You were always very athletic, Akane.  Shouldn't be an issue."

    Akane rolled her eyes and jabbed her fork into the crepe before her.  "It might seem that way, but it's not like running the 200 meter."

    "Speaking of running?"  Yuki adjusted the scarf around her neck.  "With all the threats against MWPSB Inspectors, aren't you scared to be in public?"

    "Not really.  It's part of the job."

    "Seriously, Akane," Kaori sighed.  "Yuki's right.  These threats are serious business.  You need to be careful."

    "That's why I have him."  Akane tilted her head in Kogami's direction.  "Didn't think I brought him along just to carry our bags, did you?"

    "Who needs to be careful when you have your own knight in shining armor to protect you."  Yuki leaned across the table, staring at Kogami.  "Is he going to the ball, too?"

    "For the time being, every Inspector is required to have an Enforcer with them, so yeah," Akane replied.  "Kogami is going to the ball as my escort."

    "What I wouldn't do to be an MWPSB Inspector right now," Yuki said.  "You're always so lucky, Akane."

    "I'll say," Kaori agreed.

    "Why's he sitting over there all by himself?  Did you order him to stay away?"

    Akane flushed with embarrassment at the accusation of exclusion.  "Well, he's sort of on duty, Yuki."

    "Yuki, Akane did mention that whole irritating Inspector/Enforcer rank thing," said Kaori.  She sighed, chin in her hands as she rested her elbows against the glass table top. 

    "I wouldn't care."

    "He shouldn't have to sit by himself.  How lonely." Kaori said sadly.  "We should go sit with him."

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