The Geisha and the Hound, Pt. 3

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It was late spring and the plum blossoms, though delayed by an extended cold spell, were finally sprouting.  The tea house garden was filled with the overwhelming fragrant scent of the buds.  A small orchard of plum trees lined the walkways of a private alcove that served as a vestibule between the shrine and the geisha house.  Sand and rock gardens were interspersed among the impeccably manicured landscape that included a wooden bridge that spanned the shores of a creek.  Together, the organic and inorganic creations created a serene place that was a perfect sanctuary to get lost in thought and meditation.

    "Have either of you ever been to a formal tea ceremony?" Takizawa asked.  Hands clasped behind his back, he marveled at the plum blossoms.  Eyes closed, he drank in the tranquility of the natural sounds around him and the aromas of Spring's arrival.

    "I've never had the opportunity," Akane replied.  She sat down on a wooden bench beside Kogami.  "I understand there is a lot of pageantry that goes along with the tradition."

    Despite the potent scent of the plum blossoms, Kogami could smell Akane's perfume above the garden fragrance.  While there was space between them, his outstretched arm, which rested on the back of the bench, was merely inches from her bare neck.  If she sat back, it would be into his embrace.  The distraction was more than enough to make him forget where he was and his purpose for being there.

    "Mr. Kogami?"

    The Enforcer forced himself to focus.  "Enough to know there's not much conversation.  I'm curious as to how you plan to conduct a criminal investigation if you can't question potential suspects or witnesses?"

    Takizawa smiled.  "Ever on the scent.  Does he ever relent?"

    Akane tapped Kogami's thigh.  "Never."   

    Kogami snorted through flared nostrils.  He was well aware that the only distraction in the garden was sitting within arm's reach.

    "Let me worry about conducting the investigation.  It is imperative that you concentrate on my every action and follow my lead.  Even the smallest mistake here could jeopardize what little access we have and ruin our chances of getting to the bottom of what may have happened here."

    A bell chimed from around the corner of the tea house.  The sharp tone disrupted the serenity of the garden, even the soothing sounds of splashing water from a nearby pool.  "That's our cue," Takizawa said with a grin.  He led them to a small opening that was their doorway into the  tearoom.  The Inspector chuckled at Kogami's reaction.  "This small door is known simply as the nijiriguchi.  Daimyo or peasant, all must bow and submit to humility.  All are equal under the roof of the tea house.  Mr. Kogami, you will come in after me, and Inspector Tsunemori, you will come after him."  He removed a bamboo fan from his breastpocket and tapped it against his thigh.  "Watch for my signals."

    "Inspector Takizawa, you have a fan, too, like a geisha?"

    "My dear, Inspector, male geisha predate the onna geisha, the women, by a century."  He winked at her and bowed his head.  "Remember the willow tree."  Takizawa ducked beneath the low eave and crawled inside on his hands and knees.

    Kogami took a deep breath and stared into the dim interior of the tea house and its tatami mats beyond and hesitated. 

    "Well," Akane whispered, "what are you waiting for?  Nothing's going to bite you."

    "You sure about that?"

    "If there are monsters in there, you have this."  She tapped the hilt of the wakizashi with her fan and gave him a push.  "Let's not keep the Inspector waiting.  Punctuality, remember?"

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