Unbridled Civility, Pt. 2

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    Kogami tried to mask his reaction, but was caught off guard and failed.  He took a cautious step back in shock.  "Roninn?"

    "Friend of yours, Mr. Kogami?" Okamato whispered discretely.  Her hand was poised to execute a defense order to the security detail.

    "More like a distant acquaintance.  One I'd prefer to keep distant.  Her brother was an MWPSB Inspector."

    "Was?  I take it you had a hand in the reason why he is no longer with the MWPSB?"

    "You might say that.  This can't be a coincidence."  Kogami feared that the accident on the interchange was part of a more elaborate plan.  He glared over the shoulders of the security men standing between them.  "What can I do for you, Miss Roninn?"

    "It's not what you can do for me, Mr. Kogami, but what I must do for you."  She reached into her purse, prompting the security guards to assume a more offensive posture.  Smiling innocently, she produced a certified check from the small purse at her wrist.  "Allow me to make amends.  I understand the only injury sustained in the accident on the interchange was the pony in the van.  Will $300,000 suffice?"

    Kogami's eyes narrowed in suspicious contempt.  The narcissistic perception that he could be bought off or that money would erase Mi-Yeon's trauma that morning infuriated him.  "Secret's not our pony.  She belongs to the Royale Hippotherapy Centre's program."

    Chimari handed the check to Grigori, who placed it in his lapel pocket.  "I'll make certain they are fully compensated.  But as for you and the trouble I've caused your family, I feel personally responsible."  She pulled another check from her purse.  Grigori handed her a pen.  "I trust this will be enough for the purchase of Mi-Yeon's very own pony and proper training."  She flashed the amount at him:  $500,000.  "Every little girl deserves a pony of her own.  It's just like having a big brother, wouldn't you agree, Mr. Kogami?" 

    "Is that a threat?" Kogami spat.  He shoved the startled security guards out of his way.

    "Kogami!" Akane yelled.  She intercepted him, grabbing on to his balled fists, and used her slight weight to temporarily counter his.  "Miss Okamoto!"

    "Not to worry, Inspector Tsunemori.  Gentlemen," Okamato said, "please escort Miss Roninn and her man from the premises.  Immediately."

    Enraged by Chimari's insinuated threat, Kogami resisted Akane and Okamoto as they bodily moved him through the canopy door of a nearby tent with the Kurosawa logo printed in Japanese.

    "Kogami!"  Akane threw her arms about his shoulders, weighing him down.  She was little more than a mild hinderance to his muscular frame.

    "You got this?" Okamato asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

    "For now."

    "You certain?  I need him settled.  If he misses his ride time, he's disqualified."

    Akane leaned against Kogami with all her weight, pressing her forehead and hands against his chest.  "Just need a few minutes," she grunted.

    "Good luck with that."  Okamato stepped outside, only a few feet away, stalling for time on her comlink.  "Double the security team on Mr. Kurosawa, and I want an extra detail on the Kogami family.  I don't care, Byron, provide them each with a foxhound and orders to bite first and ask questions later."

    The show of force did little to quiet Kogami's slighted sense of honor.  He no longer cared about the national test, the championship, or anything else in that moment.  All he could think about was his family's safety, which he considered to be compromised by Roninn's presence.

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