Drift! Chapter 5

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 On the run from a tenacious trio of LAPD pursuit cars, BabyGirl careened wildly onto the surface streets through a crowded intersection. Straight out of a video game, the Porsche's tires screamed against the asphalt as the high-performance car made easy work of a 90-degree turn into oncoming traffic. Traveling against a red light, Kogami temporarily shook their pursuers and vanished by weaving into the intermittent traffic.

Kogami glanced into the rearview mirror to watch the pursuit cars scatter in his wake. Hoping that the drivers were skilled enough to avoid any collisions, he held his breath and wished for the best possible outcome. He didn't need to add any more damages to his expense account with the city of Los Angeles.

"Kogami, was that really necessary!" She had become increasingly short with him, ever since the drifting stunt in the roundabout.

"Akane, we are going to be arrested. It's part of the plan," Kogami said. "But remember what Rodriguez said? He said to make it look good. Even you have to admit, this looks good."

Akane held her hand to her forehead, pressing her fingers into her furrowed brow, and struggled to regain control of her breathing.

"How are we doing?" His question was meant more to snap her out of her vexation and less about their situation. Their capture was inevitable, but Kogami meant to prolong the end outmaneuvering and outpacing the police for as long as he could.

Akane manipulated the holographic map to find the best path to the crossing. "We're only a few blocks away from the carnival."

"I see it." The highest peak of a Ferris wheel could be seen on the skyline above a row of office buildings. As Kogami sped down the boulevard, he started seeing signs for the beach and boardwalk. Glancing in the rearview mirror, he saw nothing but civilian traffic behind them. With his bloodstream saturated with adrenalin, his heart thumped, almost painfully, against his breastbone.

"Patriarch Cerberus," Virgil said. The holographic relief of the poet appeared over Akane's lap. "You have arrived at the Carnival By the Sea."

"Virgil, how much of a lead do we have?"

"Through pain I've learned to comfort suffering men. Law enforcement has regrouped and will seek apprehension in 1 minute. Do not tarry, Hound of Hell, or you will be set on a leash."

"Luda suggested that we park and move into the crowd," Akane said. Still manipulating the map, she searched the immediate area. "Looks like public parking is limited to side streets, unless you go into one of the nearby municipal parking garages."

"Can't take the chance. They could block us in." Gripping the steering wheel in one hand, Kogami downshifted and reveled in the g-forces as the Porsche leaped forward on command.

Horrified, Akane followed his eyes to an empty, but distant spot in the small alley ahead of them. The curb was lined with cars parked perpendicularly to their position. "Kogami," she whispered, studying the city grid in terror, "there's a busy street between us and that spot."


"Are you serious!" Wrapping her hands in the five-point restraint, she shrunk back into the seat in fear. "You don't even know if BabyGirl will fit."

"She won't fit if I try to park the regular way."

"What other way is there to park a car?"

"Drift in for a perfect fit."

"Kogami!" Akane screamed his name as he oversteered and brought the Porsche sideways. As if mocking her apprehension with its precision, the nimble 911 drifted sideways, speed increasing despite the maneuver, and coasted across the street on rubber, smoke, and fumes.

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