Fireworks, Pt. 1 (M)

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Hiding out on the rooftop of the Ministry of Welfare, Shinya Kogami was lying on his back in mid slumber when his wristcom alerted.  He was comfortable, far too comfortable to be bothered with an incoming call.  Stretched out on a thick bed of verdant bluegrass, he took a deep breath and reveled in a rare moment of peace and quiet.  Unwilling to allow any interruption to his solitude, he ignored the message.

    After a week of snow and freezing rain, the sun was finally out and shining.  The spring skies were blue, pristine and lucid, with no clouds for as far as the eye could see on the horizon.  Though the wind carried a chill, Kogami was sheltered from it by a low retaining wall that marked the boundaries of the meditation garden.  Except for his fingertips, he was warm and contented.

    Raising his hand toward the sun, he closed his eyes and let the kneading rays breathe life back into his cold fingers. The wristcom pinged again to remind him of the incoming call.  Technically, the reclusive Enforcer was still on the clock—at least for another fifteen minutes.  So with much reluctance, he pressed the button to accept the call.  "Yeah?"

    "Where are you?" Akane asked.

    "The roof."

    "Stay put.  I'll be there in just a sec—"

    "Why?"  Without opening his eyes, Kogami took a deep breath.  "What's this about?"

    "Tying up some loose ends on Special Case 32169."

    "I'll be here," he sighed, disconnecting the call.  The nonchalant tone was a ruse for the truth.  Despite the curt nature of his words, Kogami was anxious to see her.  The referenced case had been a difficult one that kept Division 1 on the job for the last four days.  There had been little time for idle talk or stolen glances while the CID was in full investigation mode.

    Kogami did not have long to wait.  He heard the chime of the elevator's arrival; the soft sound of her footsteps on the granite; and then eventually, the rustle of her shoes moving through the grass.  The fact that it was artificial turf didn't matter.  She was here.  With him.  And they were alone.

    "The meditation garden, huh?  So this is where you hide when Ginoza is looking for you?" 

    "Just working on reducing my stress level, Inspector.  Is that a crime now?"

    "Is that really what you're doing, Mr. Kogami?"

    "No, but it sounded good."  He cocked his head to the side and looked up at her through half-closed eyes.  "I was doing a favor for Shion.  She needed a guinea pig to check the hologram projector."

    "I hadn't realized it was broken."

    "Kagari got a little carried away with the latest Dungeons and Wizards game," Kogami said. 

    "Is that what happened to his face?  He gave that black eye to himself?"

    "Yep.  If you're feeling brave enough, ask him about it the next time you see him.  You might want to have a Dominator handy.  He gets a little testy about it."

    Akane laughed helplessly.  She covered her mouth with her hands to stifle the loudness.  "Some things never change."  Then hands on her hips, she stared down at Kogami.  The setting sun cast a halo glow around her head.  "I didn't figure you for someone who enjoyed holos, Mr. Kogami."

    "I'm not, but Shion wanted me to check out her fireworks display."


    "That's right.  Used to love them as a kid."

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