The Geisha and the Hound, Pt. 4

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With the full measure of the MWPSB waiting on the outskirts of the shrine property, the medical team, now escorted by Enforcers, were prepared to transport the remaining women from the geisha school to a nearby facility for physical and mental health care.  To respect the sacred pact of the Shintō shrine, no drones were permitted on the grounds, necessitating a need for extra personnel to investigate the crime scene and decipher the deadly riddle of the events that had unfolded at the school over the last month.

    Kogami left the furor of the investigation to join Takizawa in the courtyard.  A few of the warrior priests were present in the immediate vicinity, some guarding the shrine entrance, while others stood in the shadowed doorways of the buildings.  Their presence was meant to protect the sanctity of their hallowed home.

    "This is your investigation," Kogami said.  "And you're missing it."  He set a medical kit down on the edge of the basin beside Takizawa. 

    "Inspector Tsunemori is more than capable of handling it.  She has an extraordinary eye for detail that will only hone itself with time and experience."

    "That she does."  Kogami tapped the medical kit.  "When you refused to be seen by a tech, she sent me to have a look at that hand."  He removed the bloody handkerchief from Takizawa's hand and inspected the wound under a flashlight.  Wincing at the severity of the gash, Kogami frowned at the Division 10 Inspector.  "This is pretty deep.  Not sure why you refused to be treated," he said.  "This could probably use some stitches."

    "Scars are the mantra of a life well lived, Mr. Kogami, wouldn't you agree?  I have so many scars," he whispered sadly, "as I imagine that you do, too."  Takizawa snorted softly and then laughed.  "Isn't it odd how life reminds us of who we are by reminding of us of who we were?"

    Kogami stared in confusion.  "Come again?"

    "Remember that day when I was hiding under the bleachers?  It took you almost 20 minutes to coax me out from the shadows.  You were so kind as you took my hand.  Just as you've taken it now."  Takizawa brushed a strand of hair from Kogami's face.  "You sat me down and dried my tears and washed my scrapes with water from a nearby fountain.  It's no wonder I never got over my crush."

    Kogami dismissed the awkward discomfort tightening in his chest.  He applied antiseptic to clean the wound and then suture tape to close the wound as best as he could.  "I wouldn't be doing any fan dances, at least not until you check in with medical back at MWPSB."

    "Is that an order, Enforcer?"

    "Yep.  I plan on putting it in my report and scoring points with Ginoza."

    "Well played, Mr. Kogami.  I shall check in first thing in the morning.  Will that suffice?  I'm currently overdue for another appointment this evening.  "

    "I'll be checking the logs."

    "It's that very tenacity that made you such an expert in the martial arts.  You always were an impressive fighter."

    "Better for me to get my hands bloody than you, Inspector.  I prefer it that way, and so does Sibyl."  Kogami wrapped the wound in gauze to create a makeshift bandage for Takizawa's hand.  "Can't say I agree with how you handled this case, but you got the job done."

    "Fortune does favor the bold, Mr. Kogami, but not always.  Some matters require discretion."  He winced in pain as Kogami tightened the end of the gauze to secure it.


    "A trivial matter.  You may play the role of the fallen king turned mercenary, but you remain a king at heart."

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