Where Charity Prevails, Pt. 4

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    Alone in the atrium with Kagari and the shadows, Kogami straightened his jacket and adjusted the sleeves. "You ready for this?"

    "I was born ready for this shit."  He yanked at the collar of his red jacket with an indignant frown.  "Putting bad men down is a calling.  I live for it.  How do you want to do this?"

    "Raid style.  High shock value."

    "Oh, yeah?"

    "Inspector Tsunemori is right.  Not all of the people behind that door are latent criminals.  If we go in loud enough and hard enough, the good citizens will back down."

    "And anyone who wants to get in the way will have the crime coefficient to prove it."

    "Think you can handle two Dominators?"

    "You know it! Akane found a wrist brace in the medical kit.  I may not be gaming for a few weeks, but I can hold a Dominator and pull the trigger, if that's all you need."

    Kogami handed him his weapon and retrieved the other stun baton so that he was carrying two in the style of martial arts rattan fighting sticks.  "When we get passed the door, you scan anybody we encounter.  Call out their crime coefficient.  If it's over regulation—"

    "I fire and drop them.  If they're under regulation, they shouldn't be a problem."

    "And they become a problem," Kogami said, twirling the stun batons in each hand, "that's where these come in.  Torao will answer for what he's done."

    "Hell yeah, he will!"

    The Enforcers stood on opposite sides of the earthquake shelter entrance.  "Sachi, enter the access code."

    With a whirring of gears, the heavy portal slid open, and Director Ito's torso was reunited with the rest of her corpse.  Stepping over her, Kogami charged into the interior, loudly declaring, "Freeze!  MWPSB special investigation.  Dr. Torao is a person of interest.  Do not interfere."

    "Come out with your hands in the air!" Kagari shouted behind him.

    A trembling orderly came to an interior doorway with his hands up.  He shuddered as Kogami turned on him with the stun batons.  "Kagari?"

    "Crime coefficient 59, Ko."

    Another man stepped into the doorway beside Kogami.


    Along the opposite wall, a third man stepped into the corridor.  He was carrying a stun baton that crackled as he switched it to the on position.

    "Eighty-nine!  Wait!  Siybl's reassessing, 101!  Ha, got you!"  Kagari pulled the trigger of one Dominator when the trigger was released.  The non-lethal paralyzer projectile struck the orderly in the neck and sent the man into an erratic freefall to the floor.  Still clasped in his hands, the stun baton sputtered against the metal railing in the doorframe.

    Kogami kicked it free and retrieved it.  "I repeat, this is an MWPSB special investigation.  Dr. Torao is a person of interest in the case.  Do not interfere.  Your psycho pass will be scanned.  If you are out of regulation compliance, you will be shot."

    Another man came through a doorway on Kogami's left side.  He was wielding a stun baton in his hand.

    "Fifty-two," Kagari read the man's psycho pass. "Trigger's locked, Ko!" he shouted as the man charged his colleague.  "Take him out the hard way!"

    "Gladly." Kogami easily dodged the orderly's first clumsy attempt to jab at him with the baton.  Twisting sharply to the right, he brought both batons across the orderly's jaw, followed through from the left, and repeated the maneuver.  "I'm not some little kid you can bully."  With a kick, he sent the man's head flying back sharply, nose bloodied, where he fell unconscious to the floor.

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