Until Death...Do Us Part? - ACT 3

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While Kogami rested in a middle row of the orchestra section, Akane assisted Yayoi with salvaging their surveillance equipment. From the snatches of conversation between the two women, Kogami could only surmise that their arsenal of pillbots, cameras, and terminals were in ruins, never to be resurrected, even with Kunizaka's considerable tech skills.

However, there was a glimmer of hope for a small tablet that had been spared the brunt of the electrical assault. As Kunizaka worked to resuscitate the tablet, Kogami was desperately trying to breathe life back into his lungs. His sinuses were fully clogged and ached from the severe congestion. This sensation was compounded by the throbbing in his head, which worsened whenever he tried to sniff or coughed. He longed for the scent of a cigarette, but knew better than to attempt smoking one.

Akane was wearing his suit jacket, which lung loosely over her slender frame and shoulders. She looked like a circus clown lost in the long sleeves, but fashion was not the aim. The jacket provided her with an additional layer of warmth. A chill had returned to the auditorium, only this time Kogami was not alone in experiencing the cold. For that he was grateful. Recent events had him questioning his fitness as an Enforcer and his sanity.

The main house lights came on and flickered twice before resuming their familiar brilliance. "Finally," Akane said. She handed Yayoi a tray of tools to continue working on the tablet.

Bothered by the illumination, Kogami closed his eyes. He shivered despite the warmth of his gray coat and pulled the furry collar tight about his neck. As he settled back into the chair, he felt the warmth wafting beneath his chin from the collar. While the terrible coughing had momentarily subsided, the fever and misery of swollen sinuses raged on. He leaned his head back against the seat and tried his best to get comfortable.

"Where do you go when you close your eyes?"

Kogami opened his eyes to find Kagari standing over him. "Why does everyone feel the need to keep asking me that question?"

"What? Ask how you're feeling?" Kagari shrugged and threw himself down into the seat next him. "I don't know. Maybe because they actually care. You really are a bugbear when you're sick. Here." He handed Kogami a soda can. "There were vending machines downstairs, and I got you a drink. You can thank me when you're in a better mood."

"I'm sorry," Kogami whispered, regretting his acerbic tone. "And thank you." He put the cold can against his face and rolled it gently across his inflamed sinuses. The cold brought instant, much appreciated relief.

"That actually sounded sincere."

"It was."

"Now I know you're really sick." Kagari popped the top of his soda and took a long drink. "How's the arm?"

"Can't tell," Kogami replied. "Everything below my forehead hurts. Should be fine until we get out of this place. Akane patched it up. She's getting pretty decent with her fist aid. Not much she can do for my back."

"You know, Kogami, there are better ways to do it. Girls are supposed to fall for you, not on you."

"Remember when I said I was sorry? I take it back."

"Figures, and I'm the one person who totally believes what you and Akane have been saying."

Kogami took the can from his forehead and sat up, staring at Kagari for a long moment. "You really believe us, despite what Ginoza says?"

"What does he know? I've done a lot of research on this kind of stuff." He drank from the can and put his arm behind his head.

"I would imagine ghost hunting is not conducive to regulating stress levels," Kogami said. "Any such literature or programming would have been banned or restricted."

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