Chapter 32

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A/N: Okay, soooo, just saying. I changed most of the chapter's number so it matches the actual number, since the first few chapters were in different parts but represents one chapter, which confused me sometimes. To make it easier for me, and maybe you all too, I renamed them all :D

Now now, enjoy the new chapter! Have fun reading~


3rd Person's P.O.V

"A person who cannot give up anything... cannot protect or change anything." Tsukiyomi concluded in a grave tone. With that said, she pushed herself off the table. Walking away from the area, Tsukiyomi headed towards the Agency's exit door. Before she could touch the handle of the door, she was stopped by a voice.

"Where do you think you're going?" Dazai's voice rang out from where he was as he stood up from his seat, his eyes staring at Tsukiyomi's back as he noticed her shoulders were shaking the slightest bit.

"My dorm room. I need to wash my hands and my clothes. The blood is making me uncomfortable." Not wanting to answer anymore question as she wasn't feeling all that well mentally, Tsukiyomi opened the door and shut it behind her before making her way back to her dorm room in a down and saddened mood.

Tsukiyomi's P.O.V

Walking back to the Agency's dorms, I inserted my room's key into the keyhole and unlocked the door refraining me to from entering. Twisting the doorknob and pulling the door open, I walked in and closed the door behind me with a kick of my foot.

Kicking my shoes off without a care of keeping them neatly back into the shoe cabinet, I dropped the keys onto the shoe cabinet before slowly trudging my way into the living room.

Sliding the paper wooden framed door open, I walked towards the table in the centre of the small living room as the tint smell of tatami whiffed into my nose instantly, giving me a small sense of security as I felt at more at home.

Taking out my phone, I placed it on the table face down before dropping onto the flat square shaped cushion placed on the tatami mats and have both my head and hands slamming down on low rise table, causing pain to tingle on my skin on the point of contact. Ignoring the tingling sensation as I let out a groan of exhaustion, the pain slowly died out into a numb feeling and nothingness.

Remembering the past events back at the Agency almost a half an hour ago, a frown sets on my face before it slowly turned into a saddened look. Switching my sitting position on the floor in a way that I sat cross-legged on the cushion, I paid the blood on my hand no attention as I fixed my sleeve to cover over most of the blood and folded my arms together on the table before resting my head on them, effectively blocking the light from the curtain-less window in front of me.

Blocking all the noise from the busy late morning of the day that came from the outside world, my mind swirled with the conversations I had with the rest of the members back then; when I revealed everything that happened. The ambush, the reason why I had done such a thing to Saruma, the ability I copied from Takumi and whether my actions were the correct decisions to make and what not.

With jaws clenched together, I thought back to the past. The more I think about this, the more I feel that I was in the wrong. But, at that moment of time and in the time of the situation, I think that I made the right decision. Protecting Takumi wasn't a wrong decision. I won't let anyone else die in front of my eyes when I could have done something to prevent that person's death from happening.

It is wrong to take a person's life. A person isn't a Shinigami. People can't choose whether the person have the rights to continue living or die by his or someone's hands. I know that even without anyone telling me. But saying that now doesn't feel right.

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