Chapter 40

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Footsteps echoed around the settings of an old empty warehouse, rebounding off from the metal walls repeatedly. It gave off an eerie vibe in the air as darkness envelops the inner areas. The only light source was the sunlight streaming in from the big open entrance.

A tall brunette walked through and into the warehouse. His face held no notable expression; only one of awareness.

Hands tucked into his pockets, his pace slowed down before he came to a gradual stop. His eyes was imposing and dark; looking straight ahead and never fleeting away.

"There's no one watching us here." His voice left his lips and came out in a sentence of words. "You ought to come out."

One may think it was weird of him to talk to the air. But the brunette knew better than that. He came here for a reason.

Two seconds after his last word left him, a figure who was hiding in the side-lines, appeared and held a short tanto knife dangerously close to the brunette's neck in a taunting manner.

But that didn't strike or create any considerable reaction from him. It only made his eyes to bedim further and a foreboding smile materialising on his face.

"Hey. Gin-chan." He greeted the figure behind him, his brown glazed eyes looking at the assassin from the corner of his eyes. "You have grown taller." He pointed out, adding a hint of joy and mockery mixed as one. His eyes fleeted back front when the sound of a pistol was loaded with a bullet resounded out.

Standing a few meters, there stood a blond-haired female dressed in the common attire fit for the Mafia. Holding up her loaded pistol, she had the barrel pointed at the brunette's head. "So you knew we were watching you." Brows furrowed and yellowish golden eyes glaring at dark brown ones, she said with a cautious snap in her tone.

The brunette raised his brows and shrugged his shoulders lightly. "I was the one who created the Port Mafia's surveillance techniques after all." The smirk on his face grew upon speaking. "So, what do you want from me?" He asked in a light manner; like he wasn't the one being held at both knife and gun points.

The blond-haired female gripped her gun harder in displeasure from the way he was speaking. "Don't you think this gun tells you what we want?"

"I don't." His voice grew bored the more he speaks. "For a group of assassins, you have recruited some lousy members. I wasn't the only one who noticed you were watching, you know."

Looking behind him once more, he pointed to the tanto knife that the assassin, Gin, was holding to his neck. "Gin-chan, would you please put this away? It's dangerous."

Gin took it away immediately without any resistance nor words. But this didn't faze the brunette. Not even in the slightest.

"You are right." The blond-haired female pulled back her pistol and kept her gun into her shoulder gun strap hidden underneath her black suit coat. "That's not why we are here." Her expression grew into a frown. "I have a message from the boss."

"Hehhh? From Mori-san huh?" Despite his surprised tone of voice, his expression didn't change much. "I wonder what it is."

"The message is this: 'Dazai-kun, are you interested in coming back to the Port Mafia executives?' "

The moment those words left her lips, the brunette's lips curled into a wide smile and he laughed out loudly for a short moment. "Ah, what a pleasant invitation."

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