Chapter 1- One of Stiles adventures.

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 I do not own Teen wolf, I wish but I don't. I only own Sadie McCall and some of the things she says. This story is also on my quotev, so please do not copy it. I  hope you enjoy!

* Sadie's pov *

I was currently laying on my bed talking on the phone to my best friend Lydia.
She was going on and on about what to wear for the first day of school tomorrow.
That's right it was the last night of summer and I was trying to get a good sleep for tomorrow, which wasn't going to happen at this rate. I sighed," Lyds  you know I love you, but I'm trying to get a good sleep. You will look amazing in anything you wear."
My phone beeped and I saw that Stiles was calling, I ignored it and figured I would just call him after I got off the phone with Lydia, whenever that was.
"That's not the point Sadie! It's going to be the first time I have seen Jackson since he went away two weeks ago, I have to look super hot for him!" I rolled my eye's as she went on about Jackson. He was a total ass! I only tolerated him because he was my best friends boyfriend. He was the most popular guy at school and he thought he was tough shit and hot, and let me tell you... I did not find him the least bit attractive, I don't know if it was because he was a conceded jerk or if it was because he absolutely hated my twin brother. Him and Scott have never gotten along, and Scott and I don't know why, that's just Jackson for you I guess.
My thoughts were interrupted by my best friend," Sadie! Are you even listening anymore?" I was about to answer when I heard something moving around outside my house," Hey, Lyds, I got to go." Before she could ague, I hung up and climbed off my bed. I walked over to the window and looked down, but I saw nothing. I just shrugged and walked and plugged my phone in, I was about to change when I heard it again. I decided that I would go ask Scott if he heard anything, Our rooms were connected by a bathroom, so I opened the door to enter the bathroom the same time Scott's did. We looked at each other and he said," Did you hear that noise?" I nodded my head," I was just about to ask you the same thing." We heard it again, he walked away and into his room, I grabbed my bat and went into his room to see that he also grabbed the bat that was in his room and opened his door slightly. We walked out and slowly crept down stairs, We heard something that sounded like it was on the roof of the porch. I grabbed the door handle and opened the door, we both stepped out with our back pressed against each other and our bats ready to be swung at the intruder. We walked a little further when something swung down from the roof and looked at us, We screamed and were about to swing when the intruder said," Wait it's me!" We lowered our bats, when we recognized the voice and glared at Stiles, who was hanging from our roof some how.
"What the hell Stiles?" my brother shouted at our best friend. His eye's were wide," Your guy's weren't answering your phones! And why do you have bat's?" he asked confused, like he wasn't just sneaking around our house. I glared at him, as me and Scott shouted to him at the same time," We thought you were an intruder!" We did this all the time, we said the same thing at the same time, everyone was always weirded out cause we did it, Scott and I weren't though we liked it, we felt that it made us closer in away. Our dad had left us and our mom when we were little so we felt close when we did that, not that we ever told anyone else that we felt like that, not even Stiles knew that we felt like that, just me and Scott. But more on that later.
" Okay, you guy's really creep me out when you do that" Stiles said. I just rolled my eye's," Why are you here Stiles? It's late." He seemed to remember the real reason he was here and he got an excited look on his face," Right, My dad got a call and two jogger's found a body in the woods," Right I should probably tell you, Stiles dad is the sheriff and this is not the first time he as ear dropped on his dad's phone calls. He said with a mischievous face and then fell from the roof. I giggled, he got up and dusted him self off and sent me a playful glare. Scott looked confused," A dead body?" I swear sometimes my brother is an idiot, Stiles gave him a look and sarcastically said," No a body of water, yes a dead body, dumbass!" Scott glared at him," If they found a dead body then what are they cops looking for?" Stiles got excited again," That's the best part!...They only found half!, Were going!" he grabbed us and dragged us towards his blue jeep. I climbed in the back excited to be doing something instead of listening to Lydia talk about Jackson. Scott sat in the passenger's seat and Stiles climbed into the driver's seat. We were at the preserve in less then 10 minutes and Stiles and I climbed out excited while, Scott got out and groaned," Why are we here? Let's go back." Scott complained, "Your the one bitching that nothing ever happens in this town" Stiles said, " Man I want to get a good nights rest for lacrosse tryout's tomorrow." I laughed as Stiles lead us into the woods with a flashlight in hand," Yeah cause sitting on the bench is a really grueling effort, Scotty" He was walking towards me and he shot me a smirk," No, I'm making first line this year." I rolled my eye's.
" There you Scott, everyone has dreams even if they are unrealistic."
"What half of the body are we looking for?" Scott asked.
"Huh? I don't know." Stiles said, Scott groaned," And what if whoever killed the person is still out here?"
Stiles sighed," I hadn't thought about that either."
" Glad to know you used your usually attention to detail." I muttered sarcastically. We went up a hill and Scott muttered something about the server asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight as he took a puff of his inhaler.
Stiles shushed him and pulled me to the ground beside him, Scott laid down next to me and we saw has a bunch of light's were searching through the woods. Stiles jumped up and ran and me being stupid I ran after him leaving Scott by himself. "Stiles! Sadie! Wait up" Scott yelled, but before I knew it Stiles was on the ground with a dog barking in his face and I was being held by a deputy. "Crap" I muttered, this can't get any worse, and that's when I heard Stiles dad's voice, "Hold on, Hold on, this little delinquent belongs to me." Stiles held a hand above his eyes to block our the flashlight being shined on him,"Hey, dad."  His dad glared at him and was about to speak before the deputy hold me decided to talk," What about this one? Do you know her?" He looked and his eyes widened," Sadie? Okay, what are you guy's doing out here?"
Stiles spoke up," We were going for a the night." Stiles said making it obvious. 
"  yeah , sure and where is your guy's other partner in crime?" I spoke up before Stiles could," Who? My brother? Scott? He stayed home. He wanted to get a good night sleep for his lacrosse tryouts tomorrow." He looked like he actually believed me before he started calling out for Scott and flashing his light around. Thank gosh Scott stayed hidden. "Do you listen in on all of my phone calls?" He asked his son.
" No, Well not the boring ones." Stiles dad motioned for me to follow as he grabbed his son and started walking us back to Stiles jeep.
" You are going to take Sadie home and then when I get home we are going to have a long talk about Invasion of privacy." We got to Stiles jeep and he scolded us some more and then told us to go home. We climbed in and he started his jeep and pulled on to the rode," I hope he's okay" I muttered. " he'll be fine Sadie. Scott's a big boy."
I just nodded and stayed silent the rest of the ride. When we pulled up to my house I turned to Stiles," Bye, I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled," Yeah, Get some sleep Sadie" I flashed him a small smile and nodded. I went inside my house and silently made it to my room. I changed into some pajamas-  
I crawled into bed and just laid their hoping Scott was okay and that he would be home soon. My phone went off next to me indicating I had a text, I looked at it,
Scotty:)- I'm fine, get some sleep okay? We will talk in the morning. 
I sighed and texted back and okay.
I closed my eyes only to have another text come in, 
Stiles!:)- See! I told you he was fine, Pshh you worry about nothing! :)
I just rolled my eye's,
To: Stiles!:)- whatever! :P get some sleep you freak.
Stilesisdabomb!:)- Okay, You 2! Goodnight Sadie!
To:Stiles!:)- Haha, Night! 
I plugged my phone back in and imedentally feel asleep.

^ Ahhh yayyy! 1st Chapter is done! Sadie McCall is now portrayed by the lovely Lily Collins! Please comment your thoughts. I hope you guys liked it! :)^ ~Taylor!♥

Has it always been you? ( A Stiles Stilinski love Story )Where stories live. Discover now