Chapter 8- You were shot?!?

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*Sadie’s pov*

I had totally forgotten about my coffee date with Kennedy. With everything that had happened yesterday, so I was confused when my alarm on my phone woke me up 20 minutes before I usually woke up, but then I read the description of the alarm,” Wake up girl! You have a coffee date with me! J- Kennedy” I laughed and rolled out of bed to get ready. I was in the middle of doing my hair when my phone went off, I ignored it and then it went off again 2 minutes later. Once I was satisfied with my hair, I went to check my phone, * 2 new text messages*

Kennedy! :D~ Hey, I hope you’re awake, I’m leaving my house. Be there in 10.

Stiles! <3~ Good morning, beautiful!

I smiled and went to do my makeup and figured I would text Stiles back after. I finished and grabbed my bag and phone and headed downstairs. “Morning sweetie, what are you doing up so early?” I jumped at my mother voice and she laughed,” Geez mom, give a girl some warning. But I have a coffee date with Kennedy” She smiled,” that sounds like fun, when is she going to be here?” *HONK!* I laughed, “Now, bye mom, will you tell Scott, I forgot to tell him.” She nodded,” Of course, have fun sweetie!” I ran out the door and hopped in to Kennedy’s car,” Morning Sadie!” “Morning!” We pulled away from my house and started to the coffee shop.

*Scott’s pov*

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen full dressed, I was just waiting for Sadie to come down, so we could leave, “Morning mom” She turned away from packing her lunch, “Morning honey…Oh! Sadie has a coffee date with Kennedy, so she left already.” I furrowed my eyebrows, How come she didn’t tell me we usually tell each other everything, especially lately. With everything going on with that stupid alpha running around killing people, I had her tell me when ever se was going out and I know that sounds controlling or whatever but she’s my baby sister and she’s my very best friend, I couldn’t lose her. ”Scott, Scott!” my mother yelled, I snapped my head up and looked at her,”Yeah?” She looked at me with worried eyes,” are you okay?” I nodded my head,”Yeah, bye mom, love you!” I ran out of the house and hopped on my bike and headed to school, I pulled up to school and saw Stiles waiting by the bike rack. ” Sadie had a coffee date, so it’s just us this morning.” I said as I locked up my bike. He nodded,” Okay, sounds cool- wait what? A coffee date? With who?” I laughed and decided to tease him a little,” Well you know that guy Michael?” He nodded,” Yeah, Sadie absolutely hates that guy- Wait, are you telling me she went to have coffee with him?” I hid my smile and acted all nonchalant,” Yeah, I guess he wanted to apologize, he said he was only mean to her cause he liked her.” I said with a shrug.  I could see him tense up and his knuckles were turning white from his tight grip on his backpack straps, and it took all my strength not to burst out laughing right there. “She doesn’t, um she doesn’t like him right?” he said with worry in his voice,” I don’t know, she could, think about all the built up sexual frustration with them.” I said to him as we started walking towards the school. He seemed to be thinking about it cause he paled and gripped his backpack harder,” If you grip that thing any harder it might come off.” I said with a laugh, he loosened his grip a little bit and glanced at me as he walked up the school steps,” How can you be so calm right now! She's on a date with an asshole, not to mention she is dating me. How could she even agree to a coffee date with that idiot?!” He said frustrated, which was the last straw for me; I busted out laughing, while he looked at me confused but angry. It took me a good 4 minutes to finally calm down and I decided to put him out of his misery,” Calm down Stiles, she didn’t go with Michael she went with Kennedy.” He relaxed and then glared at me,” I hate you so much right now.” He said and walked off into the school building. I tried catching up with him but he was walking to fast and people kept getting in my way, I finally caught up to him at our lockers. I sighed,” Stiles” He ignored me and continued to switch out his books,” I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help myself. It was too good of an opportunity to pass up!” He slammed his locker and glared at me,” That was mean and cruel! I mean really, their built up sexual frustration? I didn’t need that image in my head” I winced as the image popped into my head,” Yeah, that was defiantly too far, I just pictured it.” I said and shivered, he laughed,” Good, I hope it’s stuck in your head all day!” I grimaced but just shook my head,” Am I forgiven then?” He just rolled his eyes,” Yeah.” I nodded and started to switch out my books.

Has it always been you? ( A Stiles Stilinski love Story )Where stories live. Discover now