Chapter 16- Winter formal and The final show down!

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*Sadie’s pov*

I had just finished getting ready and I was satisfied with the outcome. I quickly slipped on my flats and grabbed my phone and headed out of my bedroom.  I stopped when I heard my mother and brother talking,” Is that how you really feel about her?” my mom asked, I looked in and I saw them sitting on my brother’s bed, he smiled,”Yeah” my mom smiled, “does she know that?” he nodded,”Yeah.” He said, and I leaned against his doorway, “Then tell her, tell her a different way, write it, sing it, just tell her. Let me let you in on a secret, woman love words.” My mom said, I smiled and walked in, “It’s true the more you tell us the more adorable we think you are.” I said causing them to look at me and my mom smiled, while my brother just looked at me bugged eyed, “Honey you look gorgeous.” My mom said as she pulled me into a hug. “Thank you.” I said and returned the hug, we pulled away and looked at my brother, he smiled, “You look beautiful Sadie.” He said, I smiled and pulled him into a hug, “Thank you.” I said and pulled away. Our mom had us stand together and then she took a couple photos, after our mom excused herself to go sew up my brother’s jacket that had a very noticeable rip in it. “I can’t wait to see Stiles face when he sees’s you! It’s going to be hilarious!” Scott said and I laughed and nodded. My phone went off and I looked and saw that it was a text from Danny telling me they were here. I said goodbye to my brother and shouted one to my mom. I climbed in the back and they told me I looked gorgeous and I told them that they both looked studly, which they laughed at and we headed towards the school.

I've been here for about an hour and I haven’t seen Stiles. I was standing with Allison just talking, I saw my brother sneaking around and he was currently hiding on the bleachers, that is until coach Flintlock saw him,” Hey McCall, I see you buddy!” Scott shot up and ran down the bleachers and was trying to get lost in the crowd, but Flintlock was right behind him and yelling at him, Scott quickly ran up to Danny and it seemed like they were having a little argument before Scott and him were dancing,”Hey, you can’t- I mean you can but” the music had stopped and Now coach was yelling at Scott but it looked like he was telling Danny and him they couldn't dance so everyone was looking at him. He continued to try and explain that he wasn't say what they thought before he sighed,” Just Dance, everybody dance, DJ music now!” he yelled and walked away from Danny and my brother. I shook my head with a smirk knowing that was Scott’s little plan. Scott thanked Danny and then headed over to us, he stopped in front of Allison,” Would you like to dance?” he asked with a shy smile, Allison looked at me and I knew she wanted to go but didn't want to leave me by myself,” Go, have fun” I said and nudged her towards him, she smiled and grabbed his hand and they went off.  They started to dance and I smiled proud that my brother got up the nerves to ask her to dance.

~Stile’s pov~

I was standing by a pillar watching Sadie, who looked bored out of her mind, just sitting at the table. I have been trying to get the courage to just walk over there and ask her to dance but that wasn't working out so well. “Just go ask her already.” Kennedy said scaring the crap out of me, I turned around and saw Kennedy and I guess her date Jake standing there, “What, who?” I said trying to play dumb, Kennedy rolled her eyes, “Please you've been watching her for the past like 10 minutes, man up and go ask her.” Jake said, “She likes you, she could have come here with anyone she wanted but she came with Danny and Keegan.” Kennedy said, I furrowed my eyebrows, “So?” She sighed frustrated with me, “So, she wanted to come with you but she couldn't because you broke up with her.” She said and I flinched, “I know, I’m an idiot.” I said and looked at them,”Yeah you are, so go.” Kennedy said and she pushed me towards her. I stumbled and caught myself and started to walk towards her,” Sadie, let’s dance.” She looked up me and just stared at me,” Come on, come dance with me.” I said getting frustrated,” Why?” she asked,” Because I know that we are meant to be and we are going to dance right now so get off your cute little ass and come dance with me!” I said and she just looked at me and for a second I thought I went too far.

Has it always been you? ( A Stiles Stilinski love Story )Where stories live. Discover now