Chapter 13 - Friends again? Hell yeah!

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*Sadie’s pov*

To say I was disappointed when I woke up this morning to find out the break up was real is an understatement, I almost started crying again, but I held myself together and started to get dressed. I walked down stairs and was greeted to an empty kitchen, I sighed in relief, moms still at work thank gosh. There were footsteps on the stairs and I was greeted with a tired looking Scott, I raised my eyebrows, “What happened to you?” He sighed, “I’ll explain it on the ride there” I nodded and we walked out of the house and he hopped on his bike and I got on the handle bars. He then explained how Derek needed help last night so he and…Stiles took Derek car and went to go pick him up and of course on the way, they got into a car chase with the Argents obviously thinking Derek was driving, so they spent about 30 minutes trying to get rid of them and once they did they turned on the police scanner, which…Stiles stole from his dad and they heard where he was and picked him up. I guess Derek didn’t understand the meaning of laying low, but Derek said he almost had the alpha until the cops had showed up. We pulled up to school and I hopped off and Scott tied up the bike, I looked at him, “I’m going to go find Lydia…I’ll talk to you later, okay?” I said, he looked at me with a frown, “You can’t avoid him forever Sadie…” I nodded, “I know… I just miss my best friend” he nodded but we both knew that wasn’t the only reason. I waved and walked off, only to run right into the person I was trying to avoid, knocking us both over and his book…Well my book actually, I looked into the honey brown eyes and my heart skipped a beat and I looked away quickly,” Sorry, I wasn’t looking.” I whispered standing up and he did too, “It’s okay, I wasn’t either.” I eyeballed the book that he had taken from Scott that one day and he looked down at it,” I found this in my backpack and I remembered you loved this book and that you would read it after a… um a break up and I just… I don’t know, um here.” He said handing it to me, I nodded, “Thanks… I- um- I have to go.” I said in a rush as tears started to form in my eyes again, I walked around him and speeded walked away from him before the tears could escape.  I was walking towards the school doors before I was pulled back and towards the back of the school, I was freaking out until I say the familiar curly black hair. Allison stopped and pulled me into a hug and I broke down crying in her arms. She just let me and she rubbed my back, whispering, “It’s going to be okay” over and over again.

*Scott’s pov*

Sadie rushed off after the collision with Stiles, he stared after her, “You okay?” I asked him, he jumped and took a couple deep breaths, “No, I don’t think I’ll ever be.” He sighed and we started to walk inside, we walked inside and too our lockers, I was about to spin my combo in when I heard crying, more specifically my sister’s crying. I heard someone whispering to her but it wasn’t clear over my sisters weeps, “Scott, Scott what is it?” Stiles asked, I shook my head trying not to focus on the crying, “Nothing” He looked at me as I spun in my combo, I could still her crying, “Scott, seriously tell me.”  I sighed and looked at him with nervous and worried eyes,” Nothing, I just, I can hear crying…”

 He looked confused, “Okay, but why do you look like so hur-“he stopped talking and at the same time his heart did to and then it sped up, “Sadie” he asked and I knew he was stating it more than asking. I just nodded and he paled, “Where?” I focused again looking for the crying, I heard sniffling and then I finally heard who was with her when she talked,” Are you okay? Do you want to tell me what happened?” Allison asked, I unfocused and I looked at a worried Stiles, “She’s fine, she’s with Allison.” He sighed and nodded but I could still see the worry clear on his face.

*Sadie’s pov*

I was currently seating in lunch with Allison, Lydia, and Jackson, we were inside a couple of tables away from Stiles and Scott. I had told them that Stiles and I had broke up but not why of course. Allison had apologized about the whole flipping on me thing but it was alright she was just afraid for my brother, so of course I forgave her.  I mean she was there for me this morning and that meant a lot to me.  “Okay Sadie, let’s get you a rebound guy.” Lydia said with a smiled, I shook my head, “No, we will not be doing that.” I said causing her to pout, “Come on Sadie! Stilinski was stupid to let you go, let us hook you up. You can have a jock and not some weird nerd.” I glared at him and I could See Scott looking at me in concern obviously he was listening,” Jackson, no! He’s still my friend and I don’t like you talking about him like that. I’m not getting into a relationship anytime soon.” He smirked and he looked over at Allison and Lydia who weren’t paying attention to our conversation, “You know don’t you.” He said whispering, I looked at him confused, “What?” I asked confused, he seemed to smirk even more, “What your brother is…you know, a werewolf.” He said and my heart stopped but I kept a good poker face on,” I’m sorry, a what, a Werewolf? Jackson are you okay, you’re not on any drugs, right?” I said with a raised eyebrow, he glared at me and I could see Scott smirk, Stiles must have asked him what he was smirking about because he looked at him and told him something and then Stiles laughed, I smiled a little bit and paid attention to Jackson who was glaring at me and then he smirked,” You know McCall, I know you can hear me, so I just want to say two things, 1. Your sister here, she has a mouth on her, if I don’t get what I want, I won’t hesitate to hurt her…and number 2. Allison already hates you, it won’t be that hard to get her to be mine, to wrap my hand around that tight little body…” he smirked, when he saw Scott grab his tray, he turned back to me,” Maybe Sadie here, will want to join too…after being with Stilinski I’m sure she wants to be with a real man.” Scott’s tray snapped and everyone looked at him, I glared at Jackson and stood up storming out of the cafeteria, before I puked and ripped his head off.

Has it always been you? ( A Stiles Stilinski love Story )Where stories live. Discover now