Chapter 15- Winter formal shopping and her punishment...well not really! ;)

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*Scott’s pov*

I had woken up before Sadie and Stiles, so I started to get dressed, I was almost dressed for school, I still had 30 minutes until I actually had to wake up Stiles and Sadie, I froze when I sensed panic, one of my weird werewolf things, I went into Sadie room and I saw both Stiles and Sadie, moving around in their sleep.  Stiles mumbled “Peter, let her go. Leave her alone.”” so I tried to wake him up, “Stiles, Stiles wake up.” I tried a couple more times and I finally got him awake, he shot up, “Where’s Sadie, we have to find Sadie.”  I looked at him confused, “Stiles, Sadie is right there on her bed.” He looked over quickly and then I saw him visibly relax, “It was just a nightmare, just a nightmare.” He said quietly, “Are you okay?” I asked worried, he nodded, he went to go say something but Sadie mumbled something in her sleep, “Stiles don’t!  Don’t help him.”I looked over at him and he seemed to pale and he tensed up all over again, she then started screaming, “Stiles, stiles!” over and over again, he jumped up and started shaking her and I stood next to him, “Sadie, Sadie wake up. Sadie, please wake up!” She wasn’t waking up and I could feel Stiles begin to panic again,” Sadie baby, wake up!” and she did, she opened her eyes and was shaking and breathing heavily, “Stiles.” She whispered, “I’m right here” he said and slid in next to her, he wrapped his arms around her and she wrapped her arms around his waist and dug her face into his chest, “It was just a nightmare, just a nightmare, not real.” She kept mumbling as Stiles held her. I was extremely confused now, “They both asked for each other when they woke up and then they mumbled just a nightmare…what the hell was going on” I thought.  “Are you guy’s okay?” I asked, they both nodded, I coughed awkwardly,”Um, not to alarm anyone but you too kind of said the same thing when you woke up…” Sadie sat up and looked at Stiles, “You were actually there…” he gulped and nodded, Sadie’s eyes started to tear up and she put her head in her hands, “What’s happening to me…” she whispered, Stiles looked at her with worry, “Can one of you tell me what happened in the nightmare?” I asked quietly, Stiles nodded,” Okay, Well we were at some kind of dance or something at the school and it was taking place at the gym, I was watching people dance and having fun, I was confused and then I was hit with a sudden urgency to find Sadie, so I went to find her but I ran into you and I asked you if you knew where she was and you said no, so I told you if you found her that I was looking for her. After I ran into you, I went into the hall and I walked out the school doors, I didn’t know why I did. Then Lydia ran up to me and asked if I had seen Jackson I told her no and she went inside.  Sadie came out a couple minutes later and I started to say something but she cut me off, by, um, by kissing me. And um we did that for awhile before I pulled away and asked her what we were doing because we weren’t together and she said I know so I asked why she kissed me and she said she didn’t know, she said that the nightmare felt real and asked if I was actually there.” He then went on explaining how Peter had shown up and was being his evil self and that he took Sadie and basically told Stiles he wouldn’t get her back unless he helped him but Stiles didn’t know with what.  After he was done explaining the whole thing, I told them that we should probably get ready for school. Sadie nodded and kicked us out of her room so she could get dressed.

*Sadie’s pov*

I threw on this, ( it was a simple but cute outfit and I knew Stiles would like it considering I was wearing his shirt again. I quickly brushed through my hair and I threw it up into a ponytail. I looked into the mirror and I was more than satisfied so I headed into Scott’s room, to see if they were read. I knocked on the door, “Are you two descent?”  “Stiles is shirtless but I bet you would enjoy that, so come on in.” Scott said and I rolled my eyes and opened the door, I looked at Stiles and saw that he actually had a shirt on. I pouted and turned to my brother and crossed my arms, “Why would you lie to me about that?” I whined out causing the boy’s to laugh, I smiled and sat on Scott’s bed. Scott was running around looking for something and I could tell he was getting aggravated,”Whatcha looking for Scotty?” I asked, he sighed, “My phone, have you guys seen it?” I shook my head, “No and I didn’t see it in my room.” He nodded and began looking again, “I need to find Derek, and he can help. Especially if Peter is going to go through Allison to find Derek.” Scott said,” Uh, from what you told us Derek walked into gun fire…he sounds pretty dead to me.” Stiles said, I rolled my eyes, “We also thought he was dead that night at the school but he was alive.” I said, let me fill you in on some things, when Scott ditched us at the crash he went to go save Jackson from Derek, Scott told Jackson to run and them him and Derek started fighting. Then apparently hunters showed up and literally shot the Hale house repeatedly. Derek made Scott get out of there and we haven’t heard from him since. “You know, you probably lost it when you two were fighting. You know, when he was trying to kill you after you interrupted him trying to kill Jackson? Are you starting to see the violent behavior here?” Stiles asked. “He wasn’t got to kill anyone and I’m not going to let him die!” Scott said frustrated, Stiles groaned,” Could you at least think about letting him die? For me?” Stiles asked, “Stiles!” I said and slapped his arm. He glared at me as he rubbed his arm, Scott froze and had a sad look on his face,” Hey, Scott, what is it?” Stiles asked, “It’s our mom.” He said, I stood up, “What about her? Is she okay?” I asked, he sat down on his computer chair and shook his head, “She’s crying…” I paled, our moms only cried a couple of times and I had a feeling this time it had to do with her horrid date that we screwed up last night. “Scott, you can’t protect everyone…” Stiles said with a sigh, Scott looked up at us,”I have to.”

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