Chapter 3- Full moon party.

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*Sadie's pov*

I was currently sitting in last period, which I had with Allison, she was telling me about what had happened with Scott the other night.

" So I was freaking out because I had hit a dog and I drove it to the animal clinic and Scott happened to be working and he fixed up the dog and then gave me his extra shirt because I was cold and wet from the rain, after he said that she was going to be fine he walked my out to my car and he asked my to the party tonight! Can you believe that?" She said with so much excitement, I laughed," You too are so cute! Scott told me the exact same thing!" She blushed," Well, enough about me, who are you going with?" 

" No one, I haven't got asked, I usually go alone though." She smiled," why not go with Stiles?" I just shrugged, she gave me this look, but I just ignored it. The bell went off and we said goodbye and that we'd see each other at the party. I walked over to Scott's bike and decided to get lost in thought while I waited," i haven't seen Stiles all day, which I don't know if it's cause I've been dogging him, I don't know what's up with me lately, but I've been having theses weird thoughts and feeling weird things, for my best friend. I was way too caught up in my thoughts because I didn't hear someone trying to get my attention until I felt their hand on my shoulder, I jumped and spun around to come face to face with Kennedy Martin, For those of you who don't know who Kennedy Martin is, then it's your loss. Sure, she's a year younger then me, but i consider her like a little sister, i can tell her anything and she would keep it to herself.

" Hey Sadie, Are you okay?"

"Yeah, actually, i don't know.." She furrowed her eyebrows," Do you want to talk about it? I could drive you home." I was about to say something when Scott popped up," Hey Sadie, hi Kennedy" we said hello.

"Hey Scott, Kennedy is going to drive me home, so I'll see you later, okay?" He nodded and we walked off and headed towards Kennedy's car. We climbed in and she Started the car and headed towards my house," Okay, so spill your guts Sadie!" She said, i laughed, and started to tell her what's happened when Stiles touched me or when we would talk and even how i had felt. After i was done, i asked her," Do you think it's possible, to see someone differently after knowing them your whole life?" She smiled," Of course! Plus, if you ask me, I've always thought you and Stiles were going to get together, i mean have you seen the way that boy looks at you!"

" He looks at me? Like what?" She smiled," He looks at you like your the only person in the world, Every girl is looking and hopping for a guy to look at them like that." I smiled," You know your very smart for a freshman!" She laughed," Yeah, well you know us Martin's, we got the brains and beauty!" We pulled up to my house," That you guy's do! Thanks for listening. I haven't really told anyone what I've been feeling, not even your sister so can you keep it on the DL for me?" 

She smiled," Of course, but be for warned if I see you and Stiles in the hall, im going to smile like a freak and send a wink your way" I laughed," Okay seems fair" I gave her a quick hug," I'll see you at your sister's party, Right?" She nodded. I climbed out and headed inside while she drove away.

I threw myself on my bed and stared at the ceiling, I closed my eye's and a picture of Stiles smiling popped up, I smiled and then groaned," Why am I thinking about him like this? It would never happen.." I whispered out," Thinking about who like what?" Scott said from the bathroom doorway. I shot up," what? No one! None of your business!" I yelled out, he chuckled," Okay, weirdo. Stiles wants us at his house." My heart fluttered at the mention of his name, my brother looked at me weirdly and then shook his head. 

" well? Let's go!" I hopped up and we left the house and hopped on his bike. It only took us 5 minutes to get their. We walked up and the door opened," Oh hey guys! I'm guessing your here for Stiles, he's up in his room." Mr. S said and walked to his car and drove off. We walked inside and up the stairs and Scott knocked on his bedroom door, Stiles opened the door and then pulled Scott in and shut it. I opened the door and glared at Stiles," uh hello? That was rude!" Stiles eye's widened and Scott laughed," I'm sorry! Scott didn't say you were coming." I furrowed my eyebrows," Scott said you wanted both of us here." We looked at Scott and he just shrugged his shoulder and laughed. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off Stiles bed and layed on my stomach facing them.

Has it always been you? ( A Stiles Stilinski love Story )Where stories live. Discover now