Chapter 11- Night School

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*Sadie’s pov*

“Do you see it?” Stiles asked, Scott shook his head, “No, but we have to find something to lock this door or it will get inside.” Stiles nodded and looked out the window, “I got it” Stiles went to open the door, “No, you not going anywhere.” I said and grabbed his arms and pulled him back down next to me and Scott nodded in agreement. Stiles glanced at Scott and they seemed to have a silent conversation and the next thing I know, Scott is hold me back and Stiles is outside crouching towards the bolt cutter they used on the door earlier,” Scott, let go. He’s going to get hurt.” Scott shh’ed me and let go and held the door a crack open to he could look out,” Hurry up, you’re going to give your girlfriend a heart attack.” Stiles grabbed the bolt cutters and started slowly walking backwards towards us. I looked and saw the alpha crouching behind Stiles jeep,” Scott the alpha is by the jeep.” He nodded and told Stiles to just run, so he did, they slammed the door behind them and he placed the bolt cutters on the door,” That’s not going to hold him is it?” Scott asked, we shook our heads, “Run” We ran into a nearby classroom and they went to go move a desk in front of the door, but then they saw all the windows and decided against it. Stiles grabbed my hand and pulled me and Scott down under the windows, I yanked my hand out of Stiles, still pissed off that he went outside and made Scott hold me back, he looked over at me and I could see the hurt in his eyes, but I just looked away.  “We need to get out of here!” I whisper shouted to them, mainly Scott. They nodded,” If we get to my jeep we can get out of here” “How are we going to do that?” Scott said,” If we break a window and run really fast.” Stiles said, I rolled my eyes,” Breaking a window is going to make a lot of noise” I said, they sighed, Scott leaned up and looked out the window,” Uh Stiles, what’s wrong with your jeep?” This caused me to look out the window, what the hell?,” Scott’s right it’s bent.” Stiles looked up,” I know my jeep is crap guy’s but come on its no- What the hell?” he whispered, we all sat down and as soon as we did something was thrown through the window, Stiles pointed the flashlight on it,” It’s my car battery!”  I paled,” It knows were here, we have to move.”I said and we got up and took off running down the hall, we saw the locker room so we went in there.  We were catching our breath when Scott froze,” Someone is coming hide!” Scott hopped into an unlocked locker and Stiles pulled me in to one with him. We were pressed up against each other and our faces were really close,” Um, I could have gotten in my own locker.” I said really quiet, not even sure if he actually heard me until he answered back,” I know, I just wanted you close, so I would know your safe.” I blushed,” Don’t think sweet talking me is going to get you off the hook for that death threatening stunt you pulled.” He chuckled and went to say something, but the door to the locker room opened.  I reached down and laced my fingers through his; He smiled and kissed my forehead really quick. The locker a couple down from us opened and I knew it was Scott’s so I jumped out and so did Stiles, The janitor jumped, “What the hell are you kids doing here? Get out!” Scott jumped in and tried to explain how there was some animal trying to kill us but the janitor wouldn't have it he just kept cutting him off while directing us out of the locker room.  The locker room door slammed behind us as soon as we were through and we jumped and turned around and saw the janitor pressed up against it with blood on the window,” Run” Scott shouted and we bolted down the hallway towards a set of doors that led outside, we pushed against it but it wouldn't budge, I looked out and saw that there was a dumpster pushed up against it,” He put a dumpster in front of it!” I said and Scott and I stopped trying but Stiles kept doing it,” Babe, Babe, stop it won’t budge.” I said and grabbed his arm and pulled him away.  We started down another hallway,” We have to find a room where we can trap it.” Stiles said and I nodded and looked out the set of windows and froze when I saw the alphas piercing red eyes from the roof on the other side of the school he was standing on two feet like a person,” Guys” They stopped and followed my eyes, the alpha crouched down and started to run on its two feet towards us. “Run, run!” I shouted and Stiles grabbed my hand and we all took off running, there was a crash from behind us, telling us that he broke through the window and we took off down stairs.  We were in the basement which used to be another locker room, so we were hiding behind some lockers, trying to catch our breath; the alpha was on the other side. I looked and saw there was a door that led to the hallway and if we got him distracted we could run out of it and we could jam something against it, I smiled,” Stiles give me your keys” He looked at me weird but handed them to me,” Okay boys, when I toss these run towards that door.” I whispered really quiet and they nodded, I tossed the keys all the way to the other side of the locker room and we ran when we heard the alpha chase after them.  We slammed the door and pushed up this line of old lockers against the door, just in time to because the alpha came charging at the door but couldn't get out, I smiled,” Babe, you’re a genius” Stiles said and kissed my cheek, I laughed and then he started to climb on the lockers to look into the window,” Stiles, get off.” Scott hissed, he ignored him,” I just want to look….Yeah, we aren't  afraid of you Mr. Alpha, you got-“the alpha slammed against the door and Stiles freaked out and climbed off, while Scott and I rolled our eyes.  There was a noise from above us,” He’s in the air ducks!” And once again we took off running; we ran up the stairs and ran into the hall.  Scott stopped us,” Wait, wait be quiet, do you hear that?” Stiles and I shook our heads,” Hear what?”we said, “The phone…I know that ringtone….It’s Allison’s” he said looking at us; he then looked at me,” Call her!” I went to grab my phone but it wasn't there and then I remembered it got left at the house thanks to Scott, I glared at him,” I can’t, it’s at the house.” He paled,” Right, Stiles you call her.” He whipped out his phone but Scott took it from him and called her,” Allison?...Where are you?...The pool?...we’ll meet you in the lobby, go to the lobby right now.” Scott took off and we ran after him, it took us 2 minutes to get there and we opened the doors and Allison turned around and let out a breath of relief,” Thank gosh, why did you want me to meet you here?” We furrowed our eyebrows,” I didn't ask you to meet me here” Scott said, she raised her eyebrows,”Yeah you did, you sent me a text.” Scott, Stiles and I shared a look and then looked back at Allison,” Why do I have a feeling you didn't send me this text?” I grimaced,”Because he didn't.” Scott jumped up, “How did you get here?” Scott asked, “Jackson drove me.” This time Stiles jumped up, “What? Jackson is here?” She nodded slowly,” And Lydia” Scott, Stiles and I groaned,” Great, more people for the alpha to kill” I thought sarcastically. The doors that we didn't come through busted open and an annoyed Jackson and Lydia stepped through, “Great, you found them let’s go!” Lydia said, we went to move but there was a loud noise from above us,” Um guys, don’t question, just run” I said and I grabbed Lydia and Allison and took off through the way they came knowing the boys would follow. We all ran into the cafeteria and I let go of the girls and walked over and leaned against a wall, they closed the door and Scott, Jackson, Lydia, and Allison started to pile the lunch tables in front of the door which was a bad idea since there was basically a whole wall of windows, which Stiles noticed too,” Guys!...Guys stop!....Hello, Stiles speaking here!” he shouted at them, I rolled my eyes and put my two fingers in my mouth and made a loud whistling noise and walled to Stiles. They all turned around, eyes wide and I gestured for Stiles to speak, He smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist,” Thanks babe.” He said and kissed my cheek, I smiled and he turned to the rest of them,” You guys did a beautiful job, but what should we do with the whole wall of windows?” he said sarcastically and gestured to the wall of windows. “Who was that? Scott, what’s going on?” Everyone looked to Scott,” Why is everyone looking at me?” “What the hell is going on? Who is chancing us? And who sent that text to me? I just don’t under-“She got cut off,” its Derek, Derek Hale. He’s who is chasing us. He killed the janitor and all of the other people, it wasn’t a mountain lion.”Scott rushed out to get them to shut up,” The janitor is dead?” Allison asked and Scott nodded” Why? Why is he after us? Is he the one who sent me the text? Why is he-“ Scott cut her off,” I don’t know okay?!” my brother shouted, causing her to be quiet and stop asking so many god damn question, I mean I almost bit her head off.” Okay, why don’t we all calm down”Stiles said and dragged Scott a couple feet away,” Sadie, Are they telling us the truth?” Lydia whispered, I just nodded my head and went to lift my left hand up, (which as the brace on it) but I hit it on the edge of a lunch table,” Oww, mother of god” I winched out, They all rushed over even Scott and Stiles and started asking if I was okay, “Guys I’m fine, please back up.” Which they did, except for Stiles of course, he was placing light kisses on my fingers since my hand was covered by the brace, it felt nice so I didn't stop him. He kissed them two more times and then stopped and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side, “How about Stiles calls his useless dad and tells him we are here and to bring someone with a descent aim!” Jackson shouted and glared at Stiles and Scott, Stiles glared back, “No!”Stiles snapped, “What?” Jackson snapped right back,” I said no, do you want to hear it in Spanish? No!”  Scott and I pulled Stiles back a little bit from the angry Jackson,” I’ll call.” Lydia said and Stiles went to stop her but Jackson stood in his way,” Hello?  Yeah, we need help, were trapped in beacon hills high school...What? Wait, no!” She pulled the phone away from her ear, “They hung up” Lydia said, we all furrowed our eyebrows, ”They hung up on you?” Allison asked, Lydia nodded, ”Yeah, they said they got a call saying there was going to be prank calls about kids being trapped in the high school. She said if I called again, that they would trace the call.” Allison jumped up, “Then call again!” I shook my head,” Don’t, they will send a car two your house before they even think about sending one here.”  Everyone looked at me with wide eyes, while Stiles was sporting a smirk; I rolled my eyes, “What? You learn things when you have the sheriff’s son as your best friend for years and then he becomes your boyfriend.” Jackson rolled his eyes and stepped towards Stiles and tried to get his phone, but Stiles punched him in the face and Jackson held his nose in pain. Once again if we weren't wrapped up in werewolf drama, I would have been making out with him right now, because that was ridiculously hot and I've wanted someone to punch Jackson for years. Allison and Lydia glared at Stiles, while Scott and I pulled him away from them,”Stiles he’s right we should call your dad.” Scott whispered,”I’m not going to let my dad get killed Scott.” Stiles whispered back, I sighed, “If the police come the sirens might scare him away and if not they have guns.” Scott said,”What if guns don’t kill it and it goes all terminator and kills everyone including my dad.” Stiles said right back his voice full of worry, I looked at Scott and nodded for him to walk to Jackson and the girls, and he nodded and walked away. I stood in front of Stiles and gave him a small smile,” Are you okay?” he sighed and looked me in the eyes, his eyes were full of worry, but not just for his dad, He was worried for me, Scott, him, and everyone else. I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze, “We will be okay, your dad will too, just call him. I know you don’t want too, but everyone is scared and all they want is for this to be over, so they can hug their parents or maybe kiss their boyfriends because they punched a douche bag and it was really hot.”

Has it always been you? ( A Stiles Stilinski love Story )Where stories live. Discover now