Chapter 4- Second chances everywhere.

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*Sadie’s pov*

I was currently sitting with Allison in the library, it was before school and she was going on and on about how my brother would have to make up ditching her at the party last night. I on the other hand was only here because I was avoiding Scott and Stiles, I don’t know why I had told Scott last night that I was starting to like his best friend, and it just slipped out. And we all know why I was avoiding Stiles… I still didn’t know why I was starting to get feelings for him and it was driving me crazy, my conscious was nagging me and saying that I have always liked him, but that can’t be true, right? I was snapped out of my thoughts by the bell ringing. Allison and I got up and started towards our first period,” Have you talked to Stiles?” she asked,” No, not since he ditched me last night.” She huffed,” What is with boy’s ditching hot girls at parties?” I laughed and then stopped when I saw both my brother and Stiles,” I don’t know Allison, that’s a good question.” I said as we sat in our seats. I tapped her shoulder,” your phone please?” she looked at me confused but gave it to me none the less. She watched as I typed some things and then, I grabbed my phone and saved her number when I text my phone on hers, I looked up and handed her phone back,” Now we have each other’s numbers, So we can continue to talk to each other about how guy’s could just ditched their dates, hot dates for that matter at a party!” I said, I saw Stiles flinch from the corner of my eye and Scott flinch, from in front of Allison. She smiled and then the bell rang so she turned around. We had about 10 minutes of class left and the whole class period Stiles kept glancing at me, he did it for the millionth time and I was done with it, I turned to him,” What?” I asked. His eyes widened and he paled a little bit,” I- I um nothing.” I rolled my eyes and faced the front again. As soon as the bell rang Allison was out of the class room with Scott behind her. I sighed and packed up and headed towards my locker, I hadn’t been to my locker yet today, I didn’t want to run into the boy’s seeing how my locker is between theirs. I spun in my combo and as I opened my locker something fell to the ground, I picked it up and read what it said,” I’m sorry”. I opened up the note more and saw a small paper it said,” Slave for the day!” I rolled my eyes and smiled.  Let me give you some background, Whenever my brother or Stiles or even i would hurt each other when we were younger we would make a card that said we were sorry and then we would make a tiny coupon thing that said something we would have to do or give each other. It was silly, but it for some reason it worked for us. I heard someone walk up next to me,” Either you have forgiven me or the smile on your face means you’re planning my death.” Stiles said, I laughed and turned my head to him, he gave me a guilty smile,” I really am sorry, I shouldn’t have ditched you, if anything I should have made you come with me.” I just rolled my eyes and pulled him into a hug,” I was just worried about you and Scott.” I whispered and pulled away. He nodded his head,” Speaking of, did Scott tell you what happened?” I shook my head and grabbed my books and shut my locker. He immediately grabbed them from me and carrying them in his arms, I rolled my eyes but smiled,” Well, tell me what you know Stilinski” He nodded and pulled my outside, so nobody would hear us,“ Okay well, Derek the guy from the woods is a werewolf too, Scott and I think he’s the one who turned Scott. But anyway there are werewolf hunter’s so Scott got shot with and arrow last night but Derek helped him out and they ran from the hunters. Derek then explained to Scott how anger is what causes him to shift, so he then threatened him and told Scott that he couldn’t play in the lacrosse game because he would shift and most likely kill someone.” He explained in one breath. I nodded and took everything in,” Wow, I miss all the action!” I whined, Stiles laughed and shook his head at me,” Come on let’s get to class.”

*End of the day, Lacrosse practice*

I was sitting in the stands finishing up the last of my homework, while I waited for their lacrosse practice to start. I was on my last question when I heard the school doors open and some of the players coming out. I didn’t see Stiles or my brother, but I did see Danny and of course Jackson, I just rolled my eyes and started on my last question. Once I finished I packed up my bag and saw that Stiles was sitting on the bench, Stiles wasn’t good with pressure, so at school he was terrible at lacrosse but when we use to play in his backyard he was pretty good.  I smiled when a thought popped into my head, I grabbed my bag and put one strap on and walked quietly towards Stiles, I put my hands over his eyes and song singed,” Guess whooo!” I saw him smirk,” hmm, Oh! It’s got to be my beautiful best friend, Sadie McCall.”  I blushed;” Ye-yeah” I stuttered out and sat next to him. His smirk got wider and I saw a teasing glint in his eyes when he noticed my blush, he gasped dramatically,” Did I? Stiles Stilinski, Make “the” Sadie McCall blush!” I blushed harder,” Shut up Stilinski.” I muttered, he laughed, I groaned,” AH, forget it you are so not forgiven for yesterday.” I said and got up and started to walk away. Something grabbed my wrist and pulled my back so fast that I stumbled into a chest, I looked up and saw the same honey brown eyes I have for years, my breath hitched.” I’m sorry, I’ll stop teasing you, and I have to tell you some wolfy stuff anyway.” I nodded and he dropped my wrist, we stepped back and sat back down on the bleachers. He then went on saying how Scott got his second chance with Allison but that one of the hunters from last night was his dad. He said that it seemed like her dad didn’t recognize him which was good. We then began watching the lacrosse practice. Coach had realized I was sitting other player’s bench and he came over to us,” Little McCall! Why are you on my bench!? Go sit in the stands.” I gave him a look,” Are we really going to do this another year? You tell me to sit in the stands and I ignore you and continue to sit where I want. Aren’t you getting tired of telling me over and over again?” The look on his face was priceless,” Whatever, Little McCall, you distract my players and I’ll make sure you’re banned from my games.” I rolled my eyes and gave him a sarcastic solute,” yes sir!” He walked away mumbled something about” why he even decided to be a teacher, he doesn’t know.” As soon as he was on the other side of the field blowing his whistle, Stiles started laughing which caused me too,” I can’t believe he just agreed!” Stiles said, I shrugged,” I think he’s tired of arguing with my smartass mouth.” He nodded and we heard everyone,” Ooo” we looked and saw Jackson on the floor, but Stiles and I grabbed Scott and ran him to the locker room so he would shift in front of anyone. He started throwing off his gear and he was breathing heavily,” Scott you okay?” I asked stepping towards him; he turned around and showed us his glow gold eyes,” GET AWAY FROM ME!” Stiles and I ran around with Scott chasing us, he was jumping on top of the lockers. We had made it to the locker room door, Stiles saw a fire extinguisher, so he grabbed it and pushed me behind him and sprayed a wolfed out Scott with it and then we hid on the outside of the locker room. Our breathing was coming out in puffs and our hearts were racing.” Stiles, Sadie” Scott called out weakly and timed, Stiles looked inside and let out a breath of relief as we walked in and saw a non- wolfed out Scott. Scott looked up at us,” What- What happened?” Stile ripped off his lacrosse gloves,” You just tried to kill Sadie and I.” I sighed,” You can’t play in the game Friday.” Scott looked at me,” But then I won’t make first line.” I nodded,” I know but you can’t until you get control of the shift.” He sighed; I left the locker room so they could change.  5 minutes later they both came out and we walked and climbed into Stiles jeep, my brother must have grabbed a ride with him this morning. On the way to my house the car was filled with just random chatter, I was still trying to get over Scott trying to kill me, his twin sister and also, Stiles his best friend. We pulled up to the house and we got out, Stiles rolled down the window,” I’ll see what happened to Jackson and I’ll video call you guy’s okay?” We nodded and walked inside and into my brother’s room, he clasped on the bed and I fell into his computer chair,” Sorry for trying to kill you” he muttered, I shrugged,” it’s cool, I knew you would snap on me one day.” He smiled and laughed at my obvious joke about me being annoying. “Thanks, I needed a laugh.” I smiled,’ Anytime bro.”  There was a knock on the door frame and our mom stood there with a smile,” I’m going to be there for you first game Friday.” She said, my brother panicked,” You can’t” She smiled,” Come on, Scott, missing one shift isn’t going to break us…Completely.” Our mom was a nurse, and a good one at that. She raised her eyebrows and looked at Scott,” What’s up with your eyes?” I freaked out and then she added,” There a little red.” I looked at her,” He’s just tired, it was a long day.” She seemed to relax and then she said something totally bazaar,” Oh, it’s not like you’re on drugs or anything, right?” My brother glanced up at her,” Right now?” She stopped leaning on the door frame,” Right now? Have you ever done drugs?” He just continued to look at her,” Have you?” I couldn’t even tell the expression on my mom’s face, she just said she had to go to work and left. I was about to question Scott when a video call came from his computer, I spun around and clicked accept when I saw it was Stiles. It connect it and his face popped up and he fired a toy gun at me, so I played along and held my chest in pain and put my head down on the desk like I was dead. I heard Stiles laugh and my heart started to beat a little faster, his laugh was so cute. Scott just groaned and leaned over the chair,” What did you get?” I sat up and Stiles pouted,’ you’re no fun Scott, that’s why Sadie is my favorite.” He said,” Yeah, that’s because you li-“Scott got cut off by Stiles,” ANYWAYS, Um Jackson has a separated shoulder.” Scott looked down guilty,” Is he going to play Friday?” Stiles shrugged his shoulders,” I don’t know.” He then paused and got closer to his computer screen, he started typing something,” It looks like…” It started buffering,” It looks like what?” I said to Scott and he just shrugged and then the next message finally came,” Someone is behind you.” There was a force that knocked into us and turned off the computer and then grabbed Scott and pushed him up against the wall, I turned around and saw that it was Derek, I rolled my eyes.” I saw you shift on the field today!” Derek said, they said a couple other things that I couldn’t hear before Derek was gone and Scott was on the floor with his back against the wall. He gave me a pained looked and then groaned. My phone started blasting “You and I, By Anarbor, I looked at it confused and then I saw Stiles name flash across the screen and I glared at Scott who sent me an innocent look but I knew it was him.

Has it always been you? ( A Stiles Stilinski love Story )Where stories live. Discover now