Chapter 6- The first game, and let's not forget the heartache.

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*Sadie’s pov*

I don’t know how long I’ve just been sitting here with tears filling my eyes just waiting to flow down my face. I know that if I finally let them fall, that it makes what he said real and I don’t know if I could handle that. I thought it had meant something to him...…I thought that I had actually meant something to him. Its funny how you can miss read a moment or action that someone does, Its even funnier when you thought that this one person could never hurt you, that you had actually started to think,” Maybe he’s the one, maybe he’s been the one all along.”  His words were still ringing in my ears, breaking my already fragile heart over and over again.


I was downstairs eating lunch after I had slept in. I was just waiting for a call or text from Stiles or Scott telling me how getting Derek arrested went. I was dressed in my clothes for their game tonight. Ever since I had woken up I’ve been in a great mood, and that’s because of yesterday.  Stiles and I kissed and it felt right, like I was put on this earth to kiss him and him to kiss me. “Without you there’s no reason for my story, and when I’m with you I can always act the same. Forever yeah-“I ran and picked up my phone knowing it was Stiles, thanks to the ringtone Scott had set up.


Stiles- Hey, is Scott there?

Sadie- No, he’s supposed to be with you. What happened?

Stiles- I kept the wolf bane flower, which was stupid I know and he said he couldn’t breathe so I pulled off the road to get rid of it and when I turned back to the car he was gone, and he’s not answering his phone and I’ve called the front desk at the police station thinking maybe somebody saw him in werewolf form and reported it….but it was my dad’s friend working and she hung up cause she thought I was kidding.

Sadie- I’m sure he’s fine; he is probably just cooling off somewhere.

Stiles- Yeah, Your right. Oh, do you need a ride to the game tonight?

Sadie- No, My mom is going so I’m just going to ride in with her.

Stiles- Okay, Oh arresting Derek went good, I tried to talk to him but my dad caught me.

I laughed and shook my head,

Sadie- Yeah, sounds like you.

He chuckled and then he got serious,

Stiles- Sadie, about yesterday…

I blushed and I could feel my heart start racing, a sigh came from his side of the phone.

Stiles- It- um it didn’t mean anything...

Sadie- Wh- what?

I was hoping I didn’t hear him right.

Stiles- It was just in the heat of the moment, it didn’t mean anything to me and I just want to forget about it and act like it never happened.

Has it always been you? ( A Stiles Stilinski love Story )Where stories live. Discover now