Chapter 14 - Winter Formal talk and some more werewolf drama.

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*Sadie’s pov*        

I should probably catch you up to speed, Jackson broke up with Lydia a couple days ago claiming that he wanted to. “Drop all the dead weight in his life”. That was when he was blackmailing my brother into giving him the bite, which is why he’s been a douche lately, I guess when Stiles and I had missed the game the other night, Jackson and Scott were talking and Scott told him that he couldn't do it because he wasn't an alpha. Oh remember the marks on the back of Jackson’s neck? Well those were from Derek so of course Allison’s aunt and Dad jumped to the conclusion that Jackson must be the beta that was with Derek when she shot him…WRONG, it was actually Scott.  Which lead up to now, I was hanging with the girls to see how much Allison’s aunt had told her about their family little business, while Scott and Stiles were keeping an eye on Jackson to make sure the Argent's didn't make their move.  You see they wanted me to go with them, but I didn't want to…well I did but I didn't know what was happening with Stiles and I, after that night when I fell asleep in his arms, we were back to being friends and I was glad but how was I supposed to keep my feelings toward him on lock down? How was I supposed to move on and try to get over him if I saw his adorable face every day and those honey brown eyes? Which is why i'm here right now...

“Allison, where are we going? Allison, I would have changed my heels if you told me we were going to go for a hike IN THE WOODS!” Lydia said frustrated, I laughed causing her to glare at me and Allison shot me a small smile. Let me back up a little bit for you, Allison had dragged Lydia and I to the woods after school, she had a bow and an arrow, that she said her aunt had “Left out”.  She ignored Lydia on her questions on where we were going, I wanted to know to but I was being patient. Lydia groaned and nearly tripped in her heels again, but I caught her…again, “Thanks” she said sheepishly, I just nodded with a small smile,”Oh! Ladies I wanted to talk to you about winter formal, you know when are we going dress shopping and who we were going with?”Lydia said with a smile, Allison had an emotion on her face that I couldn't quiet place.  She glanced at us, “About that…Jackson asked me to go with him, but just as friends.” Lydia tried not to show her sad face, “Yeah? Just as friends?” Lydia asked, Allison nodded and I could see a little smirk on her face but also some hurt, “oh no”, I thought she’s up to something,”Yeah of course, I mean it’s not like I’m going drag him into the coaches office and make out with him.” Ah, there it is, Allison looked at Lydia in knowing, Lydia looked down guiltily,”Right...” Now if you don’t remember that’s were Lydia and my brother had their little make out session. Allison pulled her bow up and positioned herself and shot the arrow at the tree causing the arrow to explode on impact with the tree, well that answered my question…if she doesn't know anything yet, then her aunt really wants her too…                                                                                

 Allison looked at the tree in confusion and then we both paused I could hear a noise and I guess she could too, she glanced at Lydia and I, she handed me the bow, “Stay here” I just nodded and stayed with a confused Lydia. “Anyway, who are you going to the dance with?” she asked looking at me with worry, I rolled my eyes, “If you must know, Danny said I could be a third wheel with him and Keegan, “I said, Keegan was a funny guy and him and Danny were pretty cute, now they weren't dating because not to speak bad about Danny but he was a little slut. He was a player, so he and Keegan were like friends with benefits. She gave me a look, “Really? You’re going to third wheel with Danny? Why don’t you just let me get you a date?” She asked but also pleaded, I shook my head, “No, I’m fine, really” she sighed, “Okay” just then a blushing Allison came back and I saw her fingering her necklace, I furrowed my eyebrows, my brother had th- oh! Duh, of course it was Scott lurking around. After that we all walked back to the car and climbed in, Allison doped me off first and I said goodbye to the girls and headed inside. I walked into my room and saw that they were all dirty from the woods so I stripped them off and I hopped into the shower.

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