Chapter 2- First day of school.

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*Sadie’s pov*

   I woke up to my rude twin brother Scott; jumping on my bed shouting at me, "WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!”I groaned and kicked my foot at him, causing him to lose balance and fall on the floor,*BANG!*  I sat up and giggled and before he could say anything, our mom threw my door open with a bat in hand,” What’s going on? Is someone breaking in?” She noticed that there was no intruder so she lowered that bat and looked at Scott, who was still on the floor,” Why are you on the floor?” He stood up and sent me a glare,” She kicked me off her bed!” She looked at me with raised eyebrows, I held my hands up in defense,” Yeah, well he was jumping on my bed and shouting for me to wake up over and over again.”  She just shook her head and walked out of the room mumbling,” I don’t know what to do with you two.” We laughed and said at the same time,” Love you too mom!” We heard her laugh and then her bedroom door shut. Scott turned to me and smirked,” You better hurry up and get dressed, because your walking!” I gave him a confused look,” What? I ride with you on your bike.”

“Not today! You kicked my off so you have to walk” he said and ran out of my room, I groaned and started to get dressed. As I was tying up my laces I remembered something, I smiled and grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts, once I reached the name I clicked call. I waited for him to pick up and continued to get ready.

Stiles- Hello?

Sadie- Hey, Stiles, can you drive me to school today?

Stiles- Sadie? Um, yea, sure. Does Scott need a ride to?

Sadie- No, He kicked me off the bike today, because I kicked him when he was jumping on my bed, so he fell.

Stiles chuckled- Okay, yeah; I’ll be there in 10 minutes.

Sadie- Thanks, see you then.

Stiles- No problem.

We said good bye and I finished getting ready and ran downstairs.  My mom was In the kitchen making her lunch,” Morning mom” I said as I grabbed a granola bar and started to eat it. She smiled,” Morning sweetie, Do you need a ride, Scott left already and was mumbling,” She can walk to school, pshh kick me off her bed, I’ll show her.” As he walked out” she said, I laughed,” No I’m good, Stiles is going to drive me.” She was interrupted by a honk; I smiled and kissed her cheek,

” Bye mom, love you, have a nice day” I shouted and ran out of the house without a reply. I climbed into Stiles jeep,” Morning!” He laughed,” Good morning, Sadie….Oh did you get to see Scott’s bite?” I furrowed my eyebrows,” Bite? What bite? Was he bit last night?”  He nodded his head,” Yeah, he told me and then said he had something to tell us this morning.” I nodded,” He probably didn’t want to explain it twice.” We pulled up to school and climbed out, we looked around trying to spot Scott. I stood on my tip toes and looked around, I spotted him, and so without thinking I grabbed Stiles hand and dragged him towards Scott,” Scott, Scott!” I shouted and he turned around and gave me a smug smile. As I got closer he spoke up,” How was walking?” I smirked,” Oh, Scott? Have you not met our best friend, Stiles, who was sweet enough to drive little old me to school. After her brother wouldn’t take her.” Scott looked and Stiles with raised eyebrows,” Oh was he now?” Stiles blushed, Scott glanced down at our hands, and I looked and saw that they were still connected so I let his go. As soon as I did, my hand felt weird, it was cold and lonely, and it wasn’t tingling like it was before. “What the hell was that I thought?” Before I could continue questioning it, I heard my name,” Their haven’t been any wolfs for 60 years, you can even ask Sadie” I zoned back in,” Yeah, no wolfs” They both gave me a weird look but I just waved it off. Stiles turned to Scott,” See, so you couldn’t have heard a wolf howling” Scott looked at him annoyed,” How are you going to tell me what I didn’t hear you weren’t there.” I just rolled my eyes,” Just moved past it.” They dropped it, as some guy pushed me and I fell into Stiles, I looked and glared when I saw who it was that pushed me, Michael. Michael was an even bigger ass then Jackson, which is hard to believe. Michael was the biggest asshole you would ever meet, and I hope you don’t have too! “Watch where you’re going, Michael!” I shouted at him he turned around a smirked,” Sorry princess!” I went to go hit him but Scott and Stiles held me back, he just laughed and continued walking up the school steps.  Scott quickly spoke up, so I wouldn’t go kill him and  told us what we really wanted to hear,” If you don’t believe me about that, then you defiantly won’t believe me when I saw…I found the other half of the body!” he whisper shouted. Stiles and I jumped up excitedly,” No freaking way!” I said excited. Scott grimaced,” I wish, I’m going to be having nightmares for weeks.”  Stiles spoke up,” This is seriously going to be the best thing to happen to this town, ever since-“ He got cut off by, none other than my best friend, Lydia,” Why did you just hang up last night? I was In the middle of a serious fashion crisis!” I was about to speak up, but she started before I could,” No, don’t… I don’t want to know what was more important than your best friend!” She walked away and headed inside, I groaned and turned to the boy’s,” Sorry guy’s, but I have to go do damage control, I’ll see you in first hour.” They nodded and I gave them both hugs and chased after my strawberry blonde best friend.  I caught up to her by our locker’s and explained to her how, my brother and I thought there was an intruder. I could see worry in her eye’s but it went away when I told her it was just Stiles sneaking around. They way she was looking at me I could tell that she had already forgiven me,” Okay, fine, I’m not mad at you, but I blame it all on Stiles.” I giggled and pulled her into a quick hug,” I’m totally fine with that.” Then bell went off signaling it was time to get to class, so we said goodbye and headed in separate directions. I went for my phone, but felt it wasn’t their…” Crap, I left it in Stiles car” I hurried to class hoping if I busted out my puppy dog eye’s he’d let me barrow his key’s to get it. I looked on the board and read that I was sitting next to Stiles, “perfect” I thought.  I sat in my seat in the row next to Stiles and Scott was two seats ahead of Stiles. I turned to Stiles,” Stiles, can I please have you car keys to get my phone?” Scott and him looked at me, “can’t you get it during passing period.” Scott asked,” No, I need it now. Please, Stiles” I said breaking out the puppy dog eyes. He looked at me,” No, come on not the puppy dog eyes…just…I... fine, here” He said and handed them over, I smiled and gave him a weird hug, from the way he was sitting,” Thanks” I walked up to the teacher, leaving my bag at my seat,” Can I go to the restroom, it’s a girl emergency “I said to him. He shifted uncomfortably at my bluntness and just waved me off to go.  I walked out and headed towards Stiles jeep. I unlocked it and climbed in, my phone was just sitting on the passenger seat, and I smiled, I grabbed it and climbed out. I shut and locked the doors and started to walk away as I was putting my phone on vibrate I bumped into someone making them drop their bag. She bent down and picked it up,” I’m so sorry, it’s my fault, I’m new and I have no clue where I am going.” She said in a panicked rush. I gave her a friendly smile,” Non since! It was totally my fault! I was messing with my phone.” She smiled and stuck out her hand,” I’m Allison Argent.” I laughed,” I’m Sadie, Sadie McCall!” She laughed and her phone started ringing, so I said goodbye and headed towards class. I quickly walked in and sat at my seat. I gave Stiles his key’s back, and pay attention to the syllabus in front of us.  A couple minutes later the door to the classroom opened and Allison and one of the office people walked in,” Class this is our new student, Allison Argent, please make her feel welcome.” He walked out and our teacher told her to sit in the seat behind Scott.  She headed toward the seat and flashed me a relived smile that she at least knew one person in this class. As she sat down my brother turned around and gave her a pen with a goofy smile on his face, she looked at it, but I couldn’t quite place her expression. She smiled and grabbed it from his hand and he turned around, she looked at me with a smile and I sent her a wink, she rolled her eyes with a smile and turned around.

Has it always been you? ( A Stiles Stilinski love Story )Where stories live. Discover now