Chapter 10- Heart monitor.

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*Next morning*

*Sadie’s pov*

I had woken up early today so I could curl my hair, they turned out perfectly if I do say so myself, I also waterfall braided my hair.  Last night I had showered, so my hair still smelt of my raspberry shampoo and conditioner. Once I was satisfied with my outfit, hair, and make up, I walked down Stairs and made myself a bowl of cereal.  I was down there for about 5 minutes before my mom joined me, we hadn’t really seen each other all weekend, she had to pull a double shift, ” Morning sweetheart.” I smiled,” Morning mom! How was work?” She sighed, “It was tiring” I laughed and started eating my cereal again, I finished and I saw my mom looking at me with a smile,” What? Do I have milk on my face?”  She laughed and shook her head,” No sweetheart.” I climbed off my stool and washed out my bowl and spoon and put them in the dishwasher,” Then what?” I asked, turning to face her with raised eyebrows.  She looked down and then back up and I could see some tears in her eyes, I rushed over to her and pulled her into a hug,” What’s wrong?” she laughed and pulled away and quickly wiped her tears,” Nothing, I just- the other night at the school, when you stood up for me and our family, I’ am so proud, to be able to call you my daughter.”  My eyes started to fill with tears and I pulled her into a hug,” I’m proud to call you my mom.”  She squeezed me tighter and we pulled away when we heard footstep enter the kitchen and we faced Scott, He had his eyebrows raised but then he saw our kind of red eyes and his face softened,” Mom, Sadie, what’s wrong?”  My mom just pulled him into a hug, “Nothing dear, I’m proud of you” He smiled,” I’m proud of you too.”  They pulled away and I looked at the clock, my eyes widened, we had 10 minutes before school started and it took us about 8 to get there, “Come on Scotty, we have to go!” We said good bye to our mom and rushed out the door and on to his bike. Scott must have been using his wolfy powers because we got there in 5 minutes.  I hopped off and he locked up his bike,” That’s got to be a new record.” I said, he laughed and nodded, ”Defiantly!” we walked to our lockers and switched out our books, I had realized that I hadn’t got a text from Stiles yet, so as I waited for Scott, I sent a text to him,

Sadie-baby!<3 – Hey, Where are you?

I almost instantly got a text back,

Stiles!<3 – Class. Where are you? There’s only 3 minutes till the bell.

Sadie- baby!<3 – Locker, we are on our way now.

Scott closed his locker and we headed towards class, I walked in first and Stiles smiled and then he lost his smile and turned facing forward when he saw Scott.  We looked at each other and sighed, I walked to my seat which was in the next row besides Stiles and Scott went to his seat, which was right behind Stiles.

10 minutes into the class and the teacher had stopped talking and had given us our assignment, which I was doing, well trying to do, “Stiles, I’m sorry okay. I should have been there for your dad, I was-““And Sadie, you should know her. You spent 9 months in the whom with her.” Stiles replied bitterly, Scott sighed,” I know, but can you at least tell me if your dad’s okay? He just has a bruise, right? Maybe some soft tissue damage.” Stiles jaw clenched and he just ignored Scott and went back to the assignment.  I looked at Scott and he gave me a pleading look, I sighed and leaned towards Stiles,” Babe?” He stopped writing and froze up,” Scott’s sorry, he’s really sorry and I’m fine.” He turned his head to me;” You have a brace on your wrist Sadie.” I sighed,” I know, but it doesn’t hurt.” He just looked at me and shook his head and went back to his work, I turned to Scott and mouthed,” Sorry” He nodded and mouthed back, “You tried” I went back to work ,” What if I told you that I asked  Derek to help me.” ”If I were talking to you, I would tell you that, that is a horrible idea…but I’m not, so I won’t” Stiles said without turning around. About 5 minutes later, I could see Stiles growing impatient, he wanted to know what Derek said, and he sighed, spun around and faced Scott, “What did he say?” Scott smiled and I giggled but continued with my work while listening to them,” He said that anger is the trigger, the angrier I get the harder it will be to control it.”  Stiles nodded and then turned around and continued working.  When the bell rang for that class, we sprang from our seat and left the classroom, “When did you say Derek was teaching you?” Stiles asked, “After school, why?” Scott replied, Stiles looked at us with a smile,” That gives me till the end of the day.” I looked at him confused;” To do what?” he smirked,” To teach him myself.” He said and walked off, Scott and I shared a look,” See you later. “I said to Scott and chased after Stiles who was at his locker, I leaned against mine and just stared at him, Stiles looked over at me and groaned,” Can you not do that? It drives me crazy.” I furrowed my eyebrows utterly confused,” Do what? Look at you?” He shut his locker and faced me, “No, bite your lip.” He said and pulled my lip from between my teeth, I blushed,” I- I didn’t even realize I was doing that.” He laughed,” Your adorable.” I blushed and turned my head and pushed him away, but he grabbed my arms and pulled me closer and laughed,” You’re not going anywhere.” I rolled my eyes and was about to say something when I was interrupted, “Sorry to interrupt this very cute moment, but have you guys seen Scott?” Allison asked, “No, the last I saw him was in class, sorry” She nodded and gave me a sad smile, “Is he- um is he avoiding me? I’ve tried calling and texting him but he doesn’t answer.” I pulled my arms from Stiles and wrapped them around Allison,” No, of course he’s not. I know he hasn’t really been feeling well lately and for his phone, he broke it Sunday night. He and I were mucking around and we broke it, he was pretty mad.” She laughed and pulled away, she nodded,” Okay, thank you. I’ll let you get back to your adorable flir-“She stopped and grabbed my arm with the injured wrist,” Are you okay? What happened?” I saw Stiles tense up from the corner of my eye,” I’m fine. I hurt it Friday, at the conferences. Just me being me, I thought your dad would have told you. He and Stiles dad were there.” She nodded,” Oh, okay. Feel better alright?” I nodded and she walked off,” I hate lying to her” I said and faced Stiles,” I know babe, but you have to, to protect her.” I smiled and leaned on my tippy toes and pecked his lips. He smiled,” Come on, let’s get you to class.”

Has it always been you? ( A Stiles Stilinski love Story )Where stories live. Discover now