Chapter 12- Something's wrong with Scotty!

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*Sadie’s pov – A couple of days later.*

It was evening and tomorrow was everyone’s first day back, they had shut down the school so they could repair the school and to give the students who were involved a couple of days to be emotionally ready to come back. I hadn’t talked to Allison since her blowing up on me and me just telling everyone in that room about my past and feelings don’t get me wrong, Lydia, Jackson, and of course Stiles knew already, but they didn’t know how bad I had been feeling about it lately. I mean, with all this stuff going on I sometimes wished that my dad was around, just so that I knew my mom and I and Scott would be save, sure Scott’s a werewolf, but with what happened the other night, I just didn’t know how save if was anymore... I haven’t talked to Jackson either but that’s pretty ordinary, as for Derek, we have no clue where his body went, and without Derek’s help I’m afraid that Scott’s going to turn into what the alpha wants him to be, a killer. Scott had told me that all the alpha did was howl at him and he was in wolf form. I was cut off from my thoughts by my phone ringing. My cousin’s name flashed across the screen, her name is Colbie, she’s basically like a big sister to me and Scott, and she is only a couple days older than us. Her mom is my aunt, on my dad’s side, she’s my dad’s sister…when he first left I didn’t talk to his side of the family, but then my cousin had called me up crying one day and demanded why I was ignoring her, I told her everything. I guess my dad didn’t have the decency to tell his own sister that he had left his family.  That’s another big thing Scott and I have with Colbie, her father left two…but that’s his loss, he missed out on an amazing family! My aunt Mary is now married to my uncle Tony and let me tell you something, we all love him. Sure he’s kind of crazy, not like crazy crazy, more like he believes in the impossible…but now that I think about it, he’s not that crazy, I mean my brother is a werewolf! I snapped out of my thoughts and answered my phone before I missed it,

Sadie- Freakazoid! I miss you!

Colbie- Dorkalicious! I miss you 2! Anyway, I’m calling because my mom told me what happened, about you and Scotty getting chased throughout your school, with some of your friends, are you guys okay?

I smiled,

Sadie- Yeah, were fine. We actually go back to school tomorrow.

Colbie- That’s great! So, how many boys do you have wrapped around your finger?

I smiled instantly thinking about Stiles,

Sadie- Just one.

There was a loud squeal from the other line and I had to pull the phone away for a second,

Colbie- Well don’t hold back, who is he? Do I know him? I used to visit every summer, you know.

Sadie- Yes, I know you freak. But yes you do know him. It’s Stiles.

Colbie- Awe, Sadie! Finally, we have all been rooting for you two.

Sadie- Really?

She laughed, and I put in my Bluetooth so I could put my laundry away.

Colbie- Well yeah, I mean remember two summers ago, when Scott and I kept ditching you and Stiles, and how you two would always end up sitting together or “she paused and laughed” or that one time Scott and I pushed you and Stiles and you both fell, you fell on top of him and clunked your heads together, that was a failed attempt. I told Scott I was going to push you and then you’d trip and Stiles would catch you, Scott took that as us both pushing you guys.” She laughed again, “That was priceless.”

I rolled my eyes, but smiled,

Sadie- you guys were bad.

Colbie- yeah, those were the days.

Has it always been you? ( A Stiles Stilinski love Story )Where stories live. Discover now