Chapter 5- Derek did what?!?

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*Sadie’s pov*

It was Thursday, and Scott had tried to tell coach that he couldn’t play the game Friday, but coach being coach; he said some weird things and then basically told Scott, that he had no choice in the matter. So now I was sitting in second to last hour, which is the class I have with, Lydia, Scott, and Stiles, trying not to worry about tomorrow. I was also trying not to worry about after school for 2 reasons, First being that Scott was going to talk to Derek and the second being that while Scott was doing that, I would be with Stiles helping him study, alone. We usually studied but Scott was always there to.  I was snapped out of my thoughts by my teacher,” McCall!?” He said, “What?” Scott and I said at the same time, which caused the teacher to groan and everyone in class to laugh. The teacher sighed,” I mean Scott this time.” I looked Scott and stuck my tongue out at him.” Scott come do this problem and Lydia come do the one next to his." the teacher said. Scott got up from his seat diagonally behind mine and Lydia got up from the seat right next to mine in front of Scott’s and started on their problems on the board. They were whispering but I couldn’t make out what was being said. “Looks like I’m not the only one who get’s annoyed when you to talk at the same time.” Stiles whispered in my ear, causing a chill to run through me, the good kind of course.  I smiled and turned around to face him, and he was leaned back in his seat with his arms crossed and a small smile on his face.” You mean it’s not even a little bit cute?” I asked with a small smile.  He smiled and looked away from me, he looked back and leaned forward, “I think the smile you have after you guy’s say something at the same time, is cute.” He whispered and then looked into my eyes. I was frozen, just staring into his eyes, what he just said was repeating over and over again in my mind, I saw him glance down at my lips and then back into my eyes, I did the same, his lips looked so inviting and I just wanted to feel them against mine, even if it was just once. His eye’s looked like they we silently begging me to just lean in and kiss him, right there in front of everyone. I took a deep breath and was about to lean in, until I heard my name being called,” Sadie?” Stiles leaned back and looked back at the paper that was on his desk. I sighed and looked to where my name was coming from, my best friend Lydia, she had her eyebrows raised.

“Yeah?” I asked, slightly irritated, she didn’t realize this of course,” I was wondering if you were still going to come shopping with me this weekend?” I sighed,” No, my mom is off and I was wanting to spend some time with her.” Which was a total lie, I just wasn’t in the mood to shop this weekend, She smiled,” Mommy’s girl,” she said teasingly, I rolled my eyes playfully and faced forward. The desk behind me creaked and Stiles whispered in my ear,” You’re such a liar.” I could tell he was smirking; I just rolled me eyes and laughed. The bell rang, so I grabbed my things and walked towards my locker to switch out my books and carry what I would need for studying with Stiles and for my last class. I shut my locker and leaned against it as Stiles and Scott came up,” Okay, so you’re going over to Derek and then you’re going to come meet and Stiles and I at his house? Is that the plan?” Scott nodded,” Yeah, if plans change I’ll text you.” I nodded; I got off my locker,” Okay, see you later Scotty and I’ll see you in class Stiles.” They said” bye” and I headed towards last hour. I saw Allison ahead of me, so I ran up to catch her, she had this class too. I looped my arm through hers and she smiled,” Hey Sadie.” I smiled back,” Hello, Allison, let’s cut the chitchat, I have big gossip that I want to share with you.” She squealed,” is it juicy?” I nodded,” Really juicy, like someone wanting to kiss someone else.” She gave me a big and knowing smile and we walked in to class and she dragged me to my seat.” Okay, I might already know who you want to kiss, but tell me anyway!” I smiled “Stiles” I breathed out, she squealed and hugged me as I laughed, and everyone in class looked at us like we were weirdoes. Allison pulled away, as Stiles cleared his throat and I jumped, where did he come from,” Excuse me ladies, but I must get by.” He sat in the seat behind me and we were blocking the ale. He walked past and me and Allison and she sent me a wink.

Has it always been you? ( A Stiles Stilinski love Story )Where stories live. Discover now