Chapter 7- The Truth...Finally!

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*Sadie’s pov*

~ 3 days later: Monday morning~

Scott was currently telling Stiles and I about his dream, but it sounded more like a nightmare. He said that he was at the school for some kind of party and Allison dragged him out to a school bus and they started making out, which I tried to block out, didn’t work. Then he said he had shifted and started to attack her and there was blood everywhere and she was screaming and that he had woken up after that.

”I’m telling you it felt so really, I woke up and I was all sweat, I’ve never had a dream like that before.” Stiles glanced at him, “Really? I have, but it usually ends a little differently” Scott and I made a gross out face, “Never give us that much detail about you in bed” Scott said.” What if this is about my date with Allison tonight? What if I talked to Derek?” Scott asked, I turned to him with wide eyes,” You mean the Derek that you two got thrown in jail? Your probably not on good terms with him, no?” Scott just shrugged, and opened up the school doors that lead to the bus lot. We all froze, there was an ambulance and police surrounding this bus that had blood all over the back and inside and the back door was disfigured. I looked at Scott and took off in search for Allison, I pulled out my phone called her multiple times, but she didn’t answer. I started panicking and I turned a corner and ran up some steps, I turned a corner and ran straight into someone, successfully knocking all of their books on the ground,” I’m so sorry I was looking for my friend, I’m kind of in a rush.”  She laughed and I looked up and saw it was Allison; I let out a breath of relief and attacked her in a hug, “Allison! Your okay!” She laughed and hugged me back,”Yeah, I’m fine. Who are you looking for, Stiles?”  I blushed,” Um, no it was you I was looking for and I wanted to talk to you about the whole Stiles thing.” She smiled,” Okay, let’s walk and talk.” I nodded and explained to her about the kiss and then what he had said, she had a frown on,” Sadie, I’m so sorry” I just shrugged my shoulders,” It’s fine” She gave me a small smile and then someone came flying around a corner and knocked over Allison’s books again and knocked me over too.

” Allison, Your okay?” My brother said full of relief and picked her books up, she laughed and stood up too,” Yeah, Man what are the odds to get knocked over twice in the span of 10 minutes and by the McCall twins.” Scott looked at me and we laughed, Stiles stepped towards me and held out his hand to help me up, I hesitated and decided to just stand up on my own. Allison saw this and she frowned even more. I brushed myself off,” I’m going to go” Allison and Scott frowned, “Sadie, wait” Stiles said, I looked into his eyes and before he could get a word out I cut him off,” I- I can’t, I have to go” I turned around and rushed down the hallway, trying to get as far away as possible.

Lunch came around and I was sitting at the lunch table with Stiles across from me and Scott on my left, considering there wasn’t a seat on my right. Stiles and I have been bickering for the past 10 minutes about? I don’t even know anymore,” Okay! Enough you too, I can’t sit here and listen to you two bicker, Stiles just tell her th-“ Scott stopped talking when, Lydia, Jackson, Danny, and a bunch of other people sat at our table. Allison came and Scott smiled and moved his bag off the seat he had been saving for her. Danny sat next to Stiles and flashed me a smile, I smiled back. We started talking about what happened on the bus, it turned out that in first hour we saw a guy getting pulled out and placed onto a stretcher. So here we are listening to Jackson become an even bigger tool,” Who cares it was probably just some homeless tweaker.” Stiles pulled something up on his phone; it was a new report giving out the guy’s name and saying that the police were calling it an animal attack. I looked closer and recognized the guy,” Hey, I know him.” Everyone looked at me, but I just looked at Scott,” He was the bus driver, when we used to go see dad?” Realization crossed on his face and he nodded,” Oh yeah.” Lydia jumped in,” Can we talk about something more entertaining like where we are going tonight?” She asked looking at Scott and Allison,” What?” Allison asked,” Well you said you and Scott were hanging out tonight.” Allison nodded,” Well, yeah, we don’t know what were going to yet.” Allison said and I could tell she was uncomfortable. Lydia didn’t notice,” Okay great we can all go out.” Jackson decided to put his two cent in,” I’d rather stab myself in the eye with this fork.” He said and gripped his fork making a gesture to his eye,” I’ll help!” I said why too excited and went to get up, I heard Stiles chuckle, and Lydia shot me a glare and took the fork away from Jackson. I slouched in my seat,” Ooo, What about bowling? Jackson you love to bowl.” He scoffed,” Yeah, with actual completion” Allison smiled,” How do you know we aren’t actual completion?” she turned to my brother,” Yeah, kind of” Jackson smirked and leaned forward,” Is it yes, of kind of McCall” And then my brother said the biggest lie I have ever heard, come out of his mouth, “Yes, in fact I’m a great bowler” and he’s screwed.

Has it always been you? ( A Stiles Stilinski love Story )Where stories live. Discover now