Chapter 9- Student conferences

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~Some days later. Friday morning. ~


*Sadie’s pov*


As of right now I was sitting in chemistry, trying not to worry about my best friend.  Lydia and Jackson were caught in the middle of the alpha and his business last night. Scott had come home last night after doing werewolf things with Derek and told me about it, I tried texting and calling her last night when I finally decided to call her mom this morning, she had told me that Lydia wouldn't be at school, but if I wanted I could come check up on her after school, so that’s what I planned on doing.

I was sitting next to Stiles since I think Scott had decided to ditch with Allison, I wouldn't know because they both won’t answer their damn phones! Mr. Harris was drowning on about something and when he walked past our table I saw him look at my boyfriend who had a highlighter in his hand and the cap in his mouth, he was basically highlighting his entire chemistry book, obviously showing that he was bored and not really paying attention. Mr. Harris shakes his head and continued to walk past us, he stopped at the front of the room but didn't turn around,” Mr. Stilinski, Try putting the highlighter down every once in awhile, It’s a chemistry book, not a coloring book.” Stiles rolled his eyes and spit the cap in the air and caught it and caped his highlighter closed. I giggled quietly and Stiles shot me a playful glare, the classroom door opened and Jackson walked in, Mr. Harris rushed over to him and whispered something to him, to which he just nodded and headed towards the back of the room. Stiles leaned forward in his seat, “Danny, Can I ask you a question?” Stiles whispered loud enough for Danny to hear from in front of him,” No” Danny said without turning around and sounding annoyed,” Well, I’m going to ask anyway, Did Jackson tell you what happened to him last night?” I heard Danny sigh,” No, He wouldn't tell me” He said sounding hurt, my heart went out with him, my best friend wasn't returning my texts or calls.” But, you guys are best friends.” Stiles said sounding confused, I smacked his arm but he ignored it and continued,” Okay, can I ask another question?” Danny made an annoyed sigh and was still facing forward,” The answer is still no.” Stiles nodded,” Right, but uh, Do you find me attractive?” I rolled my eyes, he’s still on this? I heard a noise from next to me and saw that Stiles had fell out off of his stool from leaning forward to far, I smirked, serves him right. He picked his stool up and sat down and acted like nothing happened.

*After school*

Stiles and I were currently on our way to Lydia’s house, I wanted to check up on her and he wanted to see if he could get any information out of her.  We pulled up to her house and I jumped out of the car and ran up to her door as soon as Stiles had parked the car.

 I heard Stiles chuckle from behind me as I knocked on the door,” Calm down babe” I ignored him as the door opened to reveal Ms. Martin,” Hello, Sadie, I've been expecting you and who is this?” She asked referring to Stiles, “Hello Ms. Martin, this is my boyfriend Stiles; he’s also a friend of your daughters and kind of my ride.” She laughed, “Come on in, she’s upstairs in her room, I’ll take you to her.”  We walked inside and Stiles shut the door behind us as we followed Ms. Martin up the stairs, she knocked on Lydia’s door,” Lydia sweetie, Sadie and Stiles are here to see you.”  Lydia looked confused,” What the hell is a Sailes?” Her mom turned to us with a small smile, “She’s on some medication, so try not to upset her.” We nodded and she shut the door behind us as she left. “Hey Lydia, how are you doing?” Stiles asked and took a seat at the end of her bed, I walked over to her night stand and looked at the medication and passed one to Stiles, he smirked and turned to Lydia,” Hey, I bet you can’t say, I saw Susie selling sea shell by the sea shore, 5 times fast” Lydia looked at him with a determined look,” I saw- I saw… I saw…” I looked at her, “Lydia, Lydia what did you see?” Stiles jumped up,” Was it a mountain lion?” She nodded,” Mountain lion” “Are you sure it was a mountain lion or is that what the police said?” Stiles asked, she just repeated “mountain lion” Stiles grabbed a stuffed giraffe from her bed behind her,” Lydia, what is this?” She looked at it and smiled, ”Mountain lion” and then she fell back on her bed, Stiles sighed and her phone beeped on the night stand, I looked at her and said,” You going to get that?” Stiles chuckled; I smiled and picked it up. I typed in her password and it unlocked to show it was on a video, me being the nosy person I am, I clicked play. It was from last night, she had caught the alpha on video, my breathing became heavier and Stiles must have noticed cause he was at my side in seconds,    ” Sadie, Sadie baby what’s wrong?” I just gave him the phone and sat on Lydia’s window bench thing as I slowed my breathing down before I had a panic attack. I use to have them all the time when my dad first left and let me tell you, they are not fun, I still have them sometimes, like when it comes towards mine and Scott’s birthday or even his…” Sadie, are you okay?” I snapped my head up and I saw that Stiles was looking at me, I nodded,” Yeah, we should go and call Scott so we can show him the video.” He nodded and we said goodbye to Lydia, who probably wouldn’t remember we were even their and then her mom. We hopped into Stiles jeep and drove towards his house. We pulled up into his driveway and walked into his house and into his room. I laid down on my back but horizontally on his bed, while he called my brother, who I haven’t seen since this morning, “Scott?... and this is your voice mail again, look call me or Sadie back, we have something really important to tell you, well show you, just- call us back.” Stiles said frustrated and pulled out Lydia’s phone to watch the video again,” just delete it, we can always tell him…I don’t want Lydia to have to see that.” I muttered to him. He sighed and deleted the video off of Lydia’s phone that we had stolen and then he tossed the phone on his bed hitting me on the forehead in the process,” Oww, your abusive” I muttered, he chuckled,” Sorry, babe” he said and placed his hands on the bed by my head and kissed my forehead; I closed my eyes and smiled. His lips left my forehead and I pouted and opened my eyes, causing him to laugh. I narrowed my eyes at him and then smirked; I rolled over and sat up so his hands were now on either side of my hip, he looked at me with raised eyebrows,” What are you doing?” I bit my lip knowing it would drive him crazy and I saw him glance at them, he took a deep breath and looked back into my eyes, I gave him an innocent look,” I’m not doing anything” the look he was giving me I could tell he knew I was lying. He went to say something but I grab his shirt and pulled him closer to me, his eyes widened at our close proximity and he glanced at my lips again, I laughed and leaned forward connecting our lips in a short but sweet kiss.  I pulled away to see him with a smirk on his face, I rolled my eyes and pushed him away causing him to laugh. He walked over and sat on his computer chair, not even a second later there was a knock on his door and it opened to reveal his dad.  He looked surprised when he saw me,” Oh, Hello Sadie, I didn't know you were here.”

Has it always been you? ( A Stiles Stilinski love Story )Where stories live. Discover now