Tom Holland x Reader

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   Y/N'S POV

  I screamed as Tom purposely scared me. He had a habit of going into complete Spider-Man mode and doing flips, different monologues from his movie, and the constant appearing from nowhere hanging upside down.
  Sometimes I enjoyed it, but other times not so much..Tom was adorable, which caused me to get used to it when I felt like it.

  Tom chuckled and asked me,"Why are you screaming?"

  I rolled my eyes and pulled Tom down.

  Tom fell on the floor and groaned saying,"Why are you so mean, Y/N?"

  I chuckled saying,"Because I love you and enjoy messing with you from time to time."

  Tom asked me,"Can I do a flip?"

  I groaned saying,"I don't know, Tom. What if you hit your head or break your neck? I don't want you to hurt something."

  Tom rested his hands on my shoulders and pleaded to me,"Baby, I promise to be careful. Y/N, please?!! Just one?"

  Tom started to pout, which was one of my many weaknesses when it came to Tom.
  I nodded and Tom jumped up in down in excitement, before he did a back flip.

  Out of my own concern, I reached out just in case Tom's flip went wrong.
  Tom smiled at me and said,"Ta da!!"

  I let out a sigh of relief and clapped for Tom, before he attacked me in kisses. I squealed when he grabbed my waist.

  Tom chuckled and cleared his throat, which caused me to smile saying,"Yes, Peter Parker?"

  Tom held out his hand and said,"May I have this dance?"

  I said,"Of course, Spider-Man."

  I put my hand in Tom's own hand, before he pulled me close.

  I rested my other hand on his shoulder, then Tom said,"Sing, Y/N."

  I smiled and sang,"

   Take my hand

   Take a breath

   Hold me close and take one step..

  Tom pulled me as close as possible, before I lifted his chin singing to him:

  Keep your eyes locked to mine and let the music be your guide.

  Tom began to sing, which was a trait of his that could drive a girl crazy.

   Won't you promise me( Now, won't you promise me that you'll never forget)

  We'll keep dancing (to keep dancing wherever we go next..)

  Tom waltzed us across the living room, before he spun me around and intertwined our fingers back with one another.
  I smiled, as Tom did the same.

 He held on tightly to my hands, and Tom and I sang together:

  It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you.

  It's one in a million the chances of feeling the way we do.

  And with every step together, we just keep on getting better.

So, can I have this dance? ( Can I have this dance?)

Can I have this dance?"

  Tom smiled at me, then he actually stopped singing. I pouted at him, but I always enjoyed the moments when he was willing to sing.

  I took what I could get and pushed Tom over saying,"Way to kill the romantic mood, Holland."

  Tom laughed and asked me,"That was romantic?"

   I rolled my eyes, explaining to Tom,"Yes, because nothing is more romantic than Disney, Spider-Man. If you weren't so cute, I would punch you, Tom."

  Tom pecked my lips saying,"Luckily for you, I have always been that way. Hey, you want to order a pizza or something?"

  I nodded saying,"Sure. We can watch a movie, too."

  Tom nodded and ordered the pizza, while I cleaned up the living room for us to sit down in.
  Once Tom and I sat down, he asked me,"What do you want to watch, Y/N?"

  I smirked at Tom saying,"Anything, BUT Spider-Man: Homecoming."

   Tom looked butt-hurt, which made me giggle.

  Tom threw his hands up in frustration and whined saying,"Darling, you always say that!! Why can't you just watch my movie? Support me!"

  I smiled as Tom looked so adorable throwing a little tantrum.

  I cooed at him, before I leaned back on the sofa saying,"Boy, we can watch Spider-Man: Homecoming later. Right now, we are watching Wonder Woman."

  Tom sighed and I kissed his nose, then I went to get to the pizza at the door. I paid the delivery guy, before I put the pizza boxes down in front of Tom and I. I started the movie, while Tom began to dig in his pizza. I took a picture of him when he was not paying attention, but then I saw how he was trying to hide how he was upset from me.

  I wanted to watch Wonder Woman, but I started to feel bad for how I did Tom.

  I kicked Tom's leg saying,"Go ahead, Spidey. Play the movie."

  Tom smiled real big and attacked me in kisses saying,"I love you so much."

  I chuckled saying,"I love you, too, but we are still going to watch Wonder Woman after."

  Tom said,"That's fine."

  I smiled at Tom, and he pulled me in his lap. I kissed his jaw and held on for a while, before we finally watched Spider-Man: Homecoming like Tom wanted.

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