Justin Bieber x Reader

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   Y/N'S POV

  7 years. It had been 7 years since I had last seen Justin Drew Bieber in person. I only wondered what he was going to do when he walked through the door in front of Scooter and I. Would he even recognize me? That was the biggest question I could think of at this moment.

  Scooter pulled me in for a side hug and said,"Hey, it'll be okay. I promise."

  I sent him a weak smile saying,"Thanks, Scooter. That makes me feel a little better. Do you think he'll recognize me?"

  Scooter nodded saying,"I think he'll recognize you. I recognized you. You still look the exact same, except for the hair. You look beautiful."

  My smile grew, and I nodded.

  Justin walked into the room, and he said,"Scooter, have you seen-"

  Justin wasn't paying attention and almost walked into me, but I kept him from doing that and said to him,"Watch where you're going, Drew."

  Justin looked up at me, and the look on his face told me he didn't recognize me.

  He asked Scooter,"Who's this, Scooter?"

  I tried to think of something I used to always do to help Justin remember me, but my mind decided to go blank.

  I just said,"Justin, look at me. I don't look familiar to you at least a little bit?"

  Justin looked at me for a minute, before he just said,"No. I'm sorry."

  I immediately remembered something I used to do to annoy Justin, and I kicked Justin in a certain spot on the back of his leg.

  Justin said,"Oww! Y/N, why did- Y/N? Y/N?!"

  Justin hugged me, and I hugged him back saying,"I've missed you, too, Drew. I'm guessing no one else kicks you right there?"

  Justin rolled his eyes, and I chuckled saying,"I'll take that as a no. It's really good to see you, Justin."

  Justin smiled at me and said,"It's good to see you, too. Y/N, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you."

  I said,"It's okay, Justin. Don't worry about it. 7 years is a long time. Plus, my voice is different and my hair is a whole 'nother story."

  Justin chuckled, and I gently hit his arm saying,"I'm sure you can relate, JB."

  Justin smiled at me again, and my face immediately changed.

  Justin probably noticed, and he asked me,"What's wrong?"

  I said,"I need to talk to you in private. Whenever you have the time."

  Justin looked over at Scooter, and Scooter said,"Go talk to Y/N, Justin."

  Justin nodded and held out his hand. I intertwined my fingers with his, and he led me to another room that wasn't being used.

  Justin closed the door behind us, and I said,"Sit down, Justin."

  Justin sat down, and I sat down in front of him.

  I looked down at his hand, before I looked him in the eyes saying,"I've made a lot of mistakes, Justin, and it's rare that I'll own up to my mistakes. Out of all the mistakes I've made, the biggest one concerns you."

  Justin sent me a hurt look, and I took his hand saying,"Justin, not like that. You looked out for me even with everything you were dealing with at the time. Justin, I could never forget something like that. I do wish I could take back the mistake I made before we broke up."

  Justin asked me,"What mistake, Y/N?"

  I said,"Scoot over, Justin. There's enough room in that chair for both of us."

  Justin moved over, and I let go of his hand. I sat down in the little space there was beside him.

  Justin asked me,"Why did you let go?"

  I was confused, until he motioned to my hand.

  I smiled and held his hand, before I said,"You're slick, Bieber. Still got it. Still got it, but the mistake I made was I never told you I loved you enough. Justin, before you even open your mouth, I know you know that I'm right. You can't keep making excuses for me, Justin. You can't. Let me own up to it. Justin, I'm sorry. I know it would have helped you a great deal to hear it more. I was always focused on something else more than I should have been focused on how you were doing. Justin, do you forgive me?"

  Justin had tears in his eyes, and he didn't say anything.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned on him saying,"Come on, Bieber. Say something."

  Justin let me lean on him, and he rubbed my arm saying,"I forgive you, Y/N."

  I joked with him saying,"I just said all that to you, and you only give me one line back?"

  Justin kissed my cheek, and he rested his forehead against mine saying,"I love you, Y/N."

  I chuckled, yet I said,"I love you, too, Bieber. I'll take that, for now."

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