Joey Birlem x Reader

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Dedicated to thatgardenfairy

   Y/N'S POV

  God, it's been so long since I've been on a proper date. Let's just say that every other "date" (except for one) was basically me being tricked into thinking that I was going on an actual date, but I was really just going to get stood up from the very beginning.

  Joey rested his hand on my back and asked me,"Is this all right?"

  I nodded and said,"Yeah, it's fine. Sorry. I was just thinking."

  Joey nodded and sent me a smile. I smiled back at him, but I looked down at the menu that was sitting on the table in front of me.

  Joey said,"The food here is really good. I've been here a few times with a couple of friends. What about you, N/N?"

  My eyes grew wide when I saw the individual prices for just the appetizers on the menu.

  I admitted to Joey,"This is my first time coming into this restaurant."

  Joey rested his hand on top of the menu and said to me,"N/N, I've got you. Don't worry."

  I rested my hand on top of Joey's hand and kissed his cheek saying,"Thank you, Joey."

  Joey blushed, but he smiled and just nodded.

  After Joey and I received our drinks, Joey asked me,"Are you having a good time so far, N/N?"

  I said,"I am. Thank you for bringing me here, Joey."

  I expected Joey to respond to what I just said, but instead, he asked me,"Are those your friends over there?"

  Joey motioned over to a table that was sitting towards the very back of the restaurant.

  Immediately, I turned back around and said,"No. They're not my friends. Do you have any recommendations for me?"

  Joey looked down at the menu and said to me,"Yeah, I do. I think that you'll really like this one or this one."

  As I looked at the two entrées, someone tapped my shoulder. I refused to turn around for them.

  "Y/N, why didn't you just come over and say hi?"

  I said,"I didn't want to. You know you're not interested in talking to me. None of you are."

  Joey intertwined his fingers with mine. I sent him a weak smile.

  She rested her hands on my shoulders and said,"That's not true, Y/N. I have missed you. Are you going to introduce us to your famous friend here?"

  Joey said to her,"She doesn't have to introduce any of you to me. Y'all need to leave. You're interrupting our date."

  She rolled her eyes, but I was in shock when she just walked away with the same group that's been following her since kindergarten.

  I looked back at Joey and said,"Thank you for making them leave. That was never something that I was too good at, as you can see."

  Joey sent me a sympathetic look, before he asked me,"What's their problem with you?"

  I said,"I'll tell you another day. I'd just like to focus on our date right now, if that's all right?"

  Joey moved his chair beside my chair and said,"I understand. You better hurry up and pick something before the waiter comes back."

  I chuckled and decided to go with the first entrée that Joey showed me. After the waiter returned and wrote down what we wanted, Joey nudged me.

  Then, he said,"N/N?"

  I looked at him and said,"Yes?"

  He asked me,"Would you like to go on another date with me next week?"

  Immediately, I nodded and laughed saying,"Yes. Yes, I'd love to. Sorry. I laughed because I'm just... really happy that you asked me that."

  Joey said,"You're happy? I'm happy."

  I laughed again, which caused Joey to smile at me.

  He said to me,"Let's just hope that those girls won't come back, while we're waiting on our food."

  I said,"Let's hope that they don't."


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