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Optimus' P.O.V

I walked through the ground bridge. Carefully holding the girl in my servos. The sound of the ground bridge swirling behind me loudly. I walked through the bridge and I could feel the energy swirling around me. Walking quickly I hurried for the end of the bridge and entering the bridge. Ratchet was there and waiting for me at the control panels. A familiar hum of the bridge shutting off behind me. Signaling the bridge closing behind me.

"So what was it," Ratchet asked.

"It was Starscream," I responded.

"He must have been scouting the area anything happened," Ratchet asked.

"There was a complication," I said unfolding the girl from my hands.

"What kind of complication," Ratchet asked turning around to look at me.

I didn't say anything but held out my servos for him to look. Ratchet raised a optic brow and peered into my servos. His eyes widen when he saw the human girl curled up in my servos and unconscious.

"By the allspark what has happened, why do you have a human," Ratchet exclaimed moving back to look at me.

"Starscream had her as a play toy and she's badly injured," I told him.

"I must take her to the medical bay immediately," Ratchet said.

At that moment the proximity alarm went off again. I half expected it to be Starscream again and pulled up the cameras. On top of the base was a helicopter and I could see a human walking towards our entrance. It was agent Fowler and it could be a good thing he was here for once. There was a moment of silence before the elevator doors opened and Fowler stepped out. A sneer ever present on his face.

"Prime, what is this that I'm hearing about explosions in the desert," Fowler yelled from up top.

"Fowler for once I'm actually happy that you're here," Ratchet called "I need your help".

"With what," Fowler growled turning to Ratchet.

Holding out my servos I showed the girl to him. He peered over the railing to get a better look. Seeing her made his eyes widen and hurry down the stairs faster than I've ever seen him. Lowering down to the ground Fowler took a closer look at the girls wounds.

"What the hell Prime, why is a civilian here and what has happened to her," Fowler yelled at me.

"Something that I would like to know as well," I said.

"We can figure that out later," Ratchet said "We need to stabilize her".

We all raced for the med bay and placed her gently on the berth. Ratchet looked over the girl uselessly. He knew nothing about human biology so there was nothing he could do. Turning to Fowler I lowered my servo down and opened it for him to step onto. Carefully he stepped into my servo and I lifted him onto the berth. Kneeling next to the girl he took a better account of her wounds. I to took a better look now that I could.

As I thought earlier there was shards of shattered glass in her long black hair. Blood was soaking her hair as well matting it down. There were multiple wounds along her head and scratches along her side. A nasty wound was on her shoulder that looked deep. All of them are bleeding profusely. There were scratch marks on her as well along her face and body. Not to mention the long scratch across her back that Starscream had done. Bruises littered her body as well as if she was beaten. It didn't make sense though since the only thing Starscream did was the scratch on her back. Does that mean these happened from where ever she came from? Fowler lifted her shirt and all our eyes widen at what layed underneath.

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