Meeting the Autobots

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Ella's P.O.V

When I opened my eyes everything was still and quiet. My surroundings were different and for a moment it took me a second to process where I was. Before, when I first woke up, I was in some sort of medical bay but now I was in a plain room. It would of been huge if I was human but in my new body it was about average size. I was laying on a bed of metal that was slightly raised and I expected it to be uncomfortable. Oddly enough though it wasn't. Looking around the room I found Optimus dozed off in a chair by the door facing me. He didn't strike me as the type to fall asleep while guarding someone so I've must of been here for a while. Quietly I stood up from the iron bed and made my way to the door. I tried the handle but it wouldn't turn and only then realized the door was still locked. Keeping my eyes on Optimus I turned the lock slowly until I heard a soft click. I kept my body tensed and kept my eyes on Optimus. Waiting for him to spring awake but he remained sleeping. Opening the door slowly I slipped out of the room, leaving the door open. I hurried down the twisting hallways, trying to figure a way out.

I peeked around the corners and I couldn't figure out where I was. This place was like one huge maze and the more I tried to find my way out the more lost I got. Getting used to my new body on top of it was also a strange experience. Every time my metal foot hit the ground and made a loud clang I would flinch. I heard footsteps off beat with mine and knew someone was coming. Quickly I looked around starting to feel fear build up inside of me. There was an opening behind some pipes and I quickly scrambled behind them and made myself as still as possible not even willing to breath. Hopefully whoever is coming doesn't see the flecks of silver on my body against the black. Just a few moments after I hid Optimus and Ratchet came from around the corner both coming from opposite directions. The both of them seemed a bit on the frantic side as they were looking for something or rather for me. Optimus' eyes scanned the walls and I ducked down praying that he didn't see me. Peeking back out I saw Optimus turn back towards Ratchet.

"Anything," Optimus asked and Ratchet only shook his head "We have to find her. the other's don't know she is here yet and I don't want her to get hurt".

"Or rather that she doesn't hurt anyone else," Ratchet said looking pointedly at Optimus' shoulder.

"I already told you Ratchet I'm fine," Optimus said pointedly.

"Optimus that was no normal blaster shot," Ratchet pushed "No one here, including yourself or any of the Decepticons, could have made a shot as bad as that. There's also the fact of what happened and what exactly happened to her and to you. Plus".

"We will go over everything once we find Ella," Optimus interrupted.

"Fine," Ratchet grumbled "I will search this way".

"Affirmative, old friend," Optimus said with a slightly amused smile.

Ratchet gave a final grumble that sounded like something along the lines of stubborn fool before walking away. Optimus watched him leave and waited for a moment longer. Peering around the corner like he was making sure that Ratchet had truly left. He gave a slight nod of his head and turned back towards where I was hiding.

"Alright you can come out now," Optimus said gently.

I made no move to come out and remained silent. Maybe he was trying to get a rise out of me. Trick me into coming out of hiding and right into his waiting hands. Optimus did not seemed fooled as he took a step closer to where I was hiding.

"I can see your optics glowing, if you are going to hide you should either move more into the shadows or conceal your optics," Optimus said continuing towards me.

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