The Past

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Starblazer's P.O.V

When I awoke I was not in the labs with Ratchet anymore but back in Optimus' room. My body was stiff and I was finding it kinda hard to move. Taking a few moments, I started to move my body little by little. Feeling my body pop as I gained feeling back in each limb as they moved. Once the energon was running freely through me once again I let out a heavy sigh as pressure all cross my body released. I had expected Optimus to be there if not on the berth than in the chair that sat against the wall. When I looked though the room was completely empty.

For the first time I was completely alone.

Carefully I sat up at the sound of the door opening quietly. I turned at the sound and found Optimus walking inside, not noticing that I was awake yet. I heard the soft click as the door closed followed by another click. Signalling the lock had been slid into place. When he turned around he gave a small jump at the sight of me sitting up before giving me a reassuring smile.

"Your awake, I'm glad," he said.

He pulled the chair from against the wall and dragged it over by the bedside. He lowered himself down until he was sitting comfortably. The two of us sat in silence for a while before I decided to speak.

"You could have sat on the berth you know," I said with a smile.

"I do but you looked comfortable and I don't want you moving to much," Optimus said with a soft smile.

"What did Ratchet find," I asked a bit more quietly this time.

"We found your attacks bring you to a more...primal level, to the point where your instincts start to take over," Optimus said gently "You also have gold energon inside of you".

"Is that bad," I asked worried.

"On the contrary it's actually good," Optimus said.

"What is it," I asked.

"It's a rare form of energon that hasn't been seen in millennium," Optimus explained "It's very strong and the purest form of energon out there. It's said to be the blood of Primus".

"That's the good god right," I asked.

"Very good," Optimus said with a bright smile.

I smiled but then it dropped. There was a part of me that hoped that that was all there was to it. Looking at Optimus' face though told me a different story. There was something else they found. Something that wasn't as good as the gold energon. Something that was gnawing away at Optimus. What ever it is, is it really that bad?

"Optimus, there's more isn't there," I asked.

"Yes," Optimus said gently but he didn't continue. 

"What is it," I asked prompting him.

"Ratchet believes he may have found the source of these attacks," Optimus said "he mentioned that the two of you had spoke about your parental units".

I stiffened at the mention of that. As one could already guess my parents were a touchy subject for me to talk about. Awful things had been done to me because of them.

"He promised," I whispered.

"Star Ratchet only wanted," Optimus started.

"He promised he wouldn't say anything," I said angrily feeling my eyes change color.

"Star please, Ratchet told me because he believes that you may have a form of PTSD," Optimus continued seeing the red returning to my eyes "Because of what happened in your past".

"Optimus," I warned already knowing where this was going.

"Star please," Optimus said sitting up and looking me straight in my eyes "There's something that's hurting you, please what happened to you".

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