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Optimus' P.O.V

It's been three days since Star was captured by the Decepticons. For three days we had been trying to find her and for three days we have failed. I didn't sleep at all during this time and if it wasn't for Ratchet I wouldn't have eaten either. 

Arcee was even worse for wear, she felt guilty for not being able to help her. To stop Megatron from taking her. She's been looking for her just as hard as I have been. She's been going out every day, all over the world, hoping that she could find the Decepticon warship. Every day she came back more disappointed though and she would only come back to look at a new location or to refuel. 

Ratchet stayed at the monitors and tried to find the right wavelength in hopes of trying to find their communications line. Bulkhead and Bumblebee also tried their best to help but there wasn't much that they could do outside of what Arcee was already doing.

On day four I was with Arcee scouring the world to find her. When I felt a small twinge in my chest. It had been happening ever since Star disappeared. It was like she was calling out to me and I couldn't hear her. I knew she was though, I knew she was calling out for help. I just had to find her.

"Where are you"?

Star's P.O.V

I don't know how long it's been. Hours, days, months, I can't tell here. It's been nothing but pain since I've arrived here. Megatron asks me the same questions each time he comes in here. Where is the base? What are the Autobots plans? What is the best way to end them? And every time I couldn't give him the answers he wanted and he didn't believe me. The pads he put on me the first day were still there and it was nothing but endless torment.  He didn't take them off when he came in just continued on with them. If he was already doing something when the shocks happened he didn't care but kept going.

I've stopped talking, nothing I say will make him understand. Make him believe that I truly know nothing. I endure the pain until I pass out and then endure some more. Over and over and over again for hours on end. The only thing I can say about all of this is that not once through the pain have I screamed. I have whimpered and cried and let out gasps but I have not given him the satisfaction of hearing me scream.

I heard the door open in front of me and I opened my optics to see Megatron walk in. He did the same thing that he did every time he entered the room. Walking around the room he looked at me. The pads started to surge and more shocks wracked my body. I didn't have the energy to do anything but ride the shocks and relinquish myself to the pain. When they were finished I fell back down to the berth. Exhausted and focusing on my breathing.

"For three days you have not said a word, at least not anything that will help me," Megatron said as he leaned against the wall "I refuse to believe that you truly know nothing".

I kept silent and my eyes down. He left the wall and approached me on the berth.

"Where is their base"?

I didn't say anything and instead just prepared myself for the worse. Megatron gave one final sneer before he grabbed my arm and started to squeeze. I could feel the metal starting to dent and I struggled not to cry out.

"Last chance".

I stayed silent, he wouldn't believe anything that I told him. He only huffed before he truly put his full force into his grip. Crushing my arm in his hold. I couldn't stop it this time, the pain was so brutal and unbearable. I let out a harsh scream and at that moment the shocks came causing me to scream louder.

"Ahhh a scream at last," Megatron said as he gripped harder "it's just as I imagined it was".

The pain was worse than it has been before. Between Megatron crushing my arm in his servo and the shocks ricocheting through my body, it was agony, complete and utter agony. I felt my body writhe on the berth and strain against the restraints.

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