Trouble with Arcee

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Star's P.O.V

It's been weeks since me and Bulkhead started lobbing together. We tried to make a daily thing out of it. But with him always going out on missions and patrols their wasn't always time and just like he told me none of the others really wanted to play with me. It wasn't exactly their thing.

"Optimus," I whined walking into the main hanger.

"What is it Star, are you alright," Optimus asked as I walked over to him.

"No I'm so board," I groaned leaning against him "Bulkhead is out on patrol so I have no one to lob with".

"Why doesn't she go for a drive," Bee beeped from the corner.

"She doesn't have an alt form yet," Ratchet said.

"An alt form," I questioned "What's that".

"It's our vehicle mode that allows us to go outside of the base without blowing our cover," Optimus said with a slight smile "Would you like to get one".

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes," I giggled over and over, jumping up and down in my excitement".

"Alright," Optimus said with a smile and a slight amused sparkle to his optics "Ratchet open a ground bridge by our usual spot".

"On it Optimus," Ratchet said starting to enter the coordinates.

"Where are we going," I asked a little nervous.

"To a highway," Optimus said simply "Just stay close to me so that no one sees us".

"Okay," I say a bit nervous and follow Optimus through the ground bridge.

As we emerge on the other side I take a second to take in our surroundings. We are in a large grassy field and we are on top of a hill covered in trees. Far below us is the highway, hundreds of cars zipping back and forth. I couldn't help but think what those peoples lives were like. As they drove to wherever is was that they were going. Not worrying about anything else but what may be going on in their lives. I imagine a car with a small family, the parents up front and the kids in the back playing with each other. The parents smiling at each other and talking while keep an eye on the children. Who in the back were talking back and forth playing with dolls or action figures. Maybe even racing little cars across the seats. The image made me feel nostalgic, since that didn't really happen in my old life.

"Don't think on it now Star," I scolded myself and instead focused on the task at hand.

"Follow me but stay low," Optimus said.

He crouched low to the ground and started sneaking to the edge of the hill. I couldn't help but giggle at the sight of him but got on the ground and followed his lead. Feeling the soft grass brush my chest and stomach as I crawled after Optimus. When we made it to the very edge of the hill he stopped and I stopped next to him.

"So how do we do this," I asked quietly.

"When you find a vehicle that you like come along I want you to focus on it and your optics will scan it," Optimus said "When you do that we'll move onto the next step".

"Okay," I said a bit unsure.

The two of us sat there in silence for a while. I stared intently at the cars as they zipped past but none of them were sticking out to me. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw a Ducati Diavel come roaring down the highway. It was beautiful and I couldn't help but stare at it. It was like a streak of shadows flying down the highway. Without realizing it the schematics of the bike appeared in front of my eyes and I could feel my systems adjusting the new blue prints. I jumped back at the images and rolled backwards. Optimus looked behind me and chuckled as he saw me on my back now just staring up at the sky.

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