New Body

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Ella's P.O.V

I was pretty sure that I was dead. Darkness had surrounded me and felt as if everything was going in slow motion. Had felt as my heart started beating slower, and slower before it stopped. Leaving me in nothing but empty darkness and I couldn't help but feel at peace. I felt that I was just numb to everything and wouldn't have to worry about feeling anything ever again. Until I did start to feel something. Something that felt warm and tingly and pulled at me.

What is going on?

What is this?

I couldn't help but notice that it felt somehow familiar. As if this was something that I have experienced before but where or when. It wrapped around me and snuggled close to me as if it, what ever this was, had known me for years. Another feeling started to approach, one that I knew very well.


It was dull and weak but still nagged at the back of my mind. Even if it wasn't very much it was still enough to bother me. I die to get away from pain and it still finds it's way to me. The warmth wouldn't have it though. It wrapped around me tighter and the feeling of warmth and comfort got stronger. The pain started to retreat and all I could feel was softness and comfort all while I could vaguely feel my body shifting. The slight pounding of something, it wasn't my heart but felt like something else. Something that wasn't me but at the same time was me. It started pounding faster and it made me uncomfortable and once again the warmth comforted me. What ever this thing is I don't want it to leave. The feeling kind of reminded me of my father back when I was young. Before he left me and my mother became a abusive drunk. As things go though all good things have to go. Tears almost spilled over as the warmth started to drift away. Leaving me alone once again in the dark.

I could vaguely make out the sound of soft whispering coming from close by. The voices weren't my own so it must be coming from somewhere else. It couldn't be coming from other people, I'm dead, or I think I'm dead. No, they must be other people so I'm alive somehow. So who was talking? One voice I couldn't recognize at all. Probably it was coming from someone I didn't get the chance to meet. The other one was familiar though. It reminded me of that strange feeling that just abandoned me in the darkness. The warmth and softness of the voice wrapped around me and made me feel safe. Finally I was able to recognize it as Optimus' voice. I started to wonder why I felt so at ease whenever he was close by. After all I had just met him. Everything went silent and I got the feeling that I should open my eyes. It took me a few tries before I was finally able to force them open. The first thing I was greeted to was the sight of Optimus. His bright blue optics were looking down at me and he looked some how smaller than the last time I saw him. I stared and waited for him to say something or to do something but he didn't. The only thing I could do was get lost. They were just deep endless pools of glowing blue that were entrancing. It took a bit of effort to glance away from him and then back to myself. It was at this moment that I glanced down and took a good look at my body.

What I saw sent through me pure terror. I started screaming at the sight that lay before me. Something very wrong had happened to my body. My body had grown much larger, ten times larger than normal. What had once been skin was now completely covered in shinning metal. Pitch black and covered in small glinting stars. If I wasn't so scared I would think that it was beautiful to see. There were spikes that covered and pointed up towards my knees. Along with spikes that were on my elbows and pointing towards my shoulders. Out of the corner of my eye I could see spikes on the back of my heels and all were pure white in color.

"Ella, please calm down," Optimus said talking a step towards me.

"What did you do to me," I yelled at him feeling tears stream down my face.

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